"British steel" - poem
"British steel"
Today morning my plan was to be reveal
Listening to this I'm on cloud nine
This music is from the Judas Priest album - "British Steel"
Now it's 6 p.m. and I feel really fine
Do you know why? It's my sweet question
By all means I bet that you'll not guess
I can give you advice and some suggestion
Better than thinking of sins and to confess
British steel is similar to swedish one
High quality and great hardened
Criticizing this is like beating your son
Better switch music on "Blackened"
It was the year nineteen eighty to be sure
Boys worked hard and done good job
It sounds a little bit like Clannad "Lore"
Just equalize the volume - touch right knob
And what is your favourite album of Judas Priest?
Painkiller, Turbo, Firepower or Demolition?
Don't tell me you prefer only "The Beast"
Otherwise I will do something to make better your ambition
When you get the time you would kill someone
I don't want this to be real
"So let it be written, so let it be done"
Wake up and listen to "British Steel"