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"Encyclop(a)edia of Rock" - poem. Wiesław Weiss "Encyklopedia Rock", 1991, ISKRY


230 wyświetleń


"Encyclop(a)edia of Rock"


There was a year nineteen ninety-one
I was the young boy, heavy metal fan
Saw in the bookshop "Encyclopedia of Rock"
That time it was for me a deep big shock


A lot of text, a lot of photographs
Colorised pictures and long paragraphs
All things were collected by Wiesław Weiss
He sent me directly to the paradise


I was reading about the band Marillion
Dreaming of earn my own the first billion
The Beatles, Metallica, Paradise Lost
It was for me the best money spent cost


Dave Mustaine has left the band Metallica
He already knew that Diabolus is in Musica
Cliff Burton has died in a bus accident
Full of tragedy - that I have meant


Today this book is an antique of history
Reading it by my children is not obligatory
The Music is one of the most exciting Art
All of these bands were written to The Music History Card








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