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"Happy HELL-o-WIN" - poem, Happy Birthday 2U !!!


220 wyświetleń


"Happy HELL-o-WIN"


This National U.S. Holiday
Is a very important day
Maybe for you, for sure for me
No many sunny days, it's obvious to see


That awesome day my Wife was born
Long time ago my soul would have been torn
I was learning English a lot in the school
I didn't know it will be now so useful


I'm trying to tell you what I can feel
It's not easy to write poems, it's easier to drill
The deeper I drill, the more I achieve
People who still are hurting me - I have to forgive


I will forgive them - the time will show
Why they were bad human? - I'll never know
Can somebody help me? - I'm asking You
If not - all I can do is to play "The ZOO"


It is an adorable and cool Scorpion's song
When I sing their songs I used to bite my tongue
As we see we have tongues and languages both
Which are the better? Maybe will answer David Lee Roth


What do you plan for this Holiday?
What I can do - it's not easy to say
Maybe I will start scaring other people
Or I will take a ride in my old legendary vehicle...




With dedication for my wife K.P. born on the 31st of October, XXXX year 😉 😘




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"[...]I will forgive them - the time will show
Why they were bad human? - I'll never know
Can somebody help me? - I'm asking You
If not - all I can do is to play "The ZOO"


It is an adorable and cool Scorpion's song
When I sing their songs I used to bite my tongue

As we see we have tongues and languages both
Which are the better? Maybe will answer David Lee Roth[...]"





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