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"The first White Fallout this year" - poem


234 wyświetleń


"The first White Fallout this year"


Last two days were rainy days

Wet, dark, foggy and so cold

Any longer it cannot stay

In front of us some snow


Today's morning was so white

The Sun appeared suddenly

Now it's open, later will hide

It looks sometimes appearly


"Mob Rules" flows from the old speakers

There aren't so old as Ronnie Dio

Is Tony Iommi better than Janick Gers?

Next will start with "Rock in Rio"*


Oh, "Country Girl" is starting now!

I'm afraid of her so much

Feel so strange and lonely somehow

I pray to be with her in touch


"I don't know what to do with myself"

"Time has let me down"**

Think of me just for yourself

I will take off my only crown


I'm not a king - just only poet

Who can drive safe and fast

With old technique "Heel & Toe"

Hope my ride will be not the last


Love white roads skidding

Still using the Handbrake 

I'm not really kidding

Risk the God will come and brake


My brakes like razors - are extremely sharp

Making drive so fun and joyful

The day gonna finish - Welcome Dark

Evenings seem to be rough and awful


Snow will bring some fun and joy

Time will show and give some hope

Cosmic vehicles, old cars are only toy(s)

To tow these old scraps you need buy a rope






*) Iron Maiden's album released in 2002

**) Ronnie James DIO starts to sing





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76. urodziny

19 lutego 1948 r. urodził się Tony Iommi - współzałożyciel, gitarzysta i kompozytor zespołu Black Sabbath. Jest jedynym członkiem zespołu występującym w nim nieprzerwanie przez ponad pięć dekad.

To ten po lewej. 😉


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