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123 wyświetleń


"Seventeen years..."

So to speak:

6205 days

148 920 hours

536 112 000 seconds


Seventeen years of The Passion

Seventeen years of Purity

Seventeen years of Full Obsession

Seventeen years of Maturity


True of False?


Sixty years of age - The Gold Age

Is it really worth waiting?

I feel like closed in the small cage

Time for reading, writing and painting


After sixty be like a free man

The Brain is really freed

More making love the more I can

More I can more I need


Some people older than me

Play the guitar almost like me

Sing like sometimes me

Write poems like often me


I have never been to prison

So I don't know how it was

I found the only one main reason

The best I can I'll breed a rose


One rose is hard to achieve

Two tousand would be much better

Guns 'n Roses in cloudy breeze

I could write the longest letter


But the letter should be sent

To whom? It is my sweet question

I'm bending now to overloaded bent

Waiting for Your's suggestion








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