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"Judas Priest" - poem


163 wyświetleń


"Judas Priest"


I'm asking you "Where have you been?"
You don't need to answer, just stay there
I'm listening to the record "Killing Machine"
Ozzy always show us "Road to nowhere"


Follow the path Ozzy indicated
"Sin after Sin", "Diamonds and Rust"
Hope you've enjoyed the event Rob demonstrated
Always prioritize the future over the past


"All guns blazing" by the "Hell patrol"
"Turbo-Painkiller" "Defenders of the Earth"
Everyday listening to rock 'n roll
Always in my mind the date of your birth


"You don't have to be old to be wise"
"Breaking the low" by the young "Metal Gods"
Always see sunset, never sunrise
Taking care of nuclear reactor's rods


Fifty million records have been sold
Glen Tipton is a proof of real God- Guitar Player
Together with Halford took over the world
Still admired by Nashvill's John Mayer

"Screaming for Vengeance" controlled by the "Electric Eye"
"Riding on the Wind" with "Pain and Pleasure"
This music gonna be great till I die
It's a proof of genious and Hall of Fame Treasure






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