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"The Girl of a Dream" - Lirycs for heavymetal oldschool song


159 wyświetleń


"The Girl of a Dream"

Lirycs for heavymetal oldschool song


I remember the time

I was looking at you

The bronze bell started to chime

The sky was deeply dark blue


You've made me crazy

Intricate were my thoughts

That was a time I was lazy

My guitar amp has not many watts


I tried to tell you

What I really feel

What can I do for you?

Let's make some deal


I'm dreaming you're fully naked

Maybe put some panties on

I hope I will be then wakid

Give it to me - Come on!


Oh, yeah, I wanna love you

Oh, yeah, I wanna kiss you

Oh, yeah, don't go away

I don't wanna miss you


Maybe we can go to the restaurant

I will choose delicious red wine

I hope the waiter will not flaunt

Still in my mind "You Could Be Mine"!!!


Let's eat some marvelous dishes

I love meat. Don't know what about you

I will follow your best wishes

Let's eat wild as if we were at the ZOO


This evening will not end here

I hope that you have empty bed

I would be your lovely bear

The softest you've ever had


So think of me, when you're alone

It's only your sweety choice

Ashes to ashes, bones to bones

In my dream I hear your lovely voice


Oh, yeah, I wanna love you

Oh, yeah, I wanna kiss you

Oh, yeah, don't go away

I don't wanna miss you







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