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Witam wszystkich w nowym wątku. Jest on poświęcony dziejącym się na naszych oczach przemianom. Jest to ważny wątek bo dotyczy nas i czekającej nas przyszłości. Obecny system ekonomiczny nie sprawdził się. Doprowadził do współczesnego niewolnictwa i jest prostą drogą do tyranii. Tyranii narzuconej przez 1% społeczeństwa. Której elementami są konflikty zbrojne, gospodarka oparta na długu totalna kontrola i inwigilacja człowieka a nawet plany depopulacji. Wydaje się, że wszyscy zdajemy sobie sprawę ze złego kierunku w jakim sprawy dążą i że powinny mieć miejsce wydarzenia i fakty, które to odmienią. Utopia? Nie! Są ludzie, którym zależy na odwróceniu biegu historii. Aktualnie w tym celu powstały starannie przygotowane plany nowej ekonomii i wcielania jej w życie. Najwyższa pora by to miało miejsce. Zgodnie z tym należy spodziewać się wprowadzania przemyślanego planu. W tym celu będą usuwane są przeszkody w postaci aresztowań osób ze wszech miar chcących zachować swoją dotychczasową władzę i przeciwstawiającym tym zmianom. Tak więc spodziewajmy się głośnych aresztowań po których rozpocznie się wprowadzanie nowego planu finansowego z pieniądzem opartym o złoto i inne kruszce wartościowe. To, że aktualny system finansowy ulega upadkowi nie ma wątpliwości. Już powszechnym zjawiskiem w USA i nie tylko jest poszukiwanie nowego zajęcia przez elity pracujące w finansach. O ile mi wiadomo aktualnie szykowane są istotne zmiany w radach nadzorczych Banku Światowego i Europejskiego Banku Centralnego z odpowiednio silnym poparciem. Następnie zostaną uruchomione przygotowane wcześniej programy obfitości, które faktycznie zapoczątkują nową erę ekonomii.

Następnie zostaną uruchomione przygotowane wcześniej programy obfitości,

Proszę w nich uwzględnić także mnie, moją rodzinę i znajomych. Gdzie się trzeba zapisywać? W parafii, czy u sołtysa?



Witam wszystkich w nowym wątku. Jest on poświęcony dziejącym się na naszych oczach przemianom. Jest to ważny wątek bo dotyczy nas i czekającej nas przyszłości. Obecny system ekonomiczny nie sprawdził się. Doprowadził do współczesnego niewolnictwa i jest prostą drogą do tyranii. Tyranii narzuconej przez 1% społeczeństwa. Której elementami są konflikty zbrojne, gospodarka oparta na długu totalna kontrola i inwigilacja człowieka a nawet plany depopulacji. Wydaje się, że wszyscy zdajemy sobie sprawę ze złego kierunku w jakim sprawy dążą i że powinny mieć miejsce wydarzenia i fakty, które to odmienią. Utopia? Nie! Są ludzie, którym zależy na odwróceniu biegu historii. Aktualnie w tym celu powstały starannie przygotowane plany nowej ekonomii i wcielania jej w życie. Najwyższa pora by to miało miejsce. Zgodnie z tym należy spodziewać się wprowadzania przemyślanego planu. W tym celu będą usuwane są przeszkody w postaci aresztowań osób ze wszech miar chcących zachować swoją dotychczasową władzę i przeciwstawiającym tym zmianom. Tak więc spodziewajmy się głośnych aresztowań po których rozpocznie się wprowadzanie nowego planu finansowego z pieniądzem opartym o złoto i inne kruszce wartościowe. To, że aktualny system finansowy ulega upadkowi nie ma wątpliwości. Już powszechnym zjawiskiem w USA i nie tylko jest poszukiwanie nowego zajęcia przez elity pracujące w finansach. O ile mi wiadomo aktualnie szykowane są istotne zmiany w radach nadzorczych Banku Światowego i Europejskiego Banku Centralnego z odpowiednio silnym poparciem. Następnie zostaną uruchomione przygotowane wcześniej programy obfitości, które faktycznie zapoczątkują nową erę ekonomii.


nie widze mozliwosci na razie przebicia sie, bo hamerykanie trzymaja na tym wyzyskowym systemie lapy i im on jest na reke (no tylko tym u wladzy i posiadajacych korporacje oczywiscie) bo daje nieograniczone mozliwosci gromadzenie majatku, lepiej juz nigdy nie beda mieli wiec gdyby sie zgodzili na zmiany to tak jakby sie zgodzili oddac czesc swoich fortun, ale hamerykanie sa szczegolnie chytrzy pod tym wzgledem i szczegolnie mocno olewaja reszte, chyba ze hameryka kiedys straci pozycje lidera i zastapi ja ktos o lepszej wizji swiata to sie cos zmieni ale podejrzewam ze nie dozyjemy tego, albo ta hamerykanska polityka doprowadzi do zbyt duzego wyniszczenia spoleczenstwa i wtedy sie zdecyduja na zmiany (to obecnie jedyna nadzieja na zmiany)

chwilowy brak działalności w audio.

Tym razem nie o hasła chodzi bo inna grupa zainteresowanych się za to wzięła. Ludzie się budzą i zaczynają oczekiwać zmian.


Nawiązując do Chińczyków niedługo możesz dostać od nich ofertę na zestaw solarno-wiatrowy. Dostajesz go za darmo i przez 5 lat płacisz im dotychczasowe rachunki za prąd.

Gość romekxxx

(Konto usunięte)

Tym razem nie o hasła chodzi bo inna grupa zainteresowanych się za to wzięła. Ludzie się budzą i zaczynają oczekiwać zmian.


Nawiązując do Chińczyków niedługo możesz dostać od nich ofertę na zestaw solarno-wiatrowy. Dostajesz go za darmo i przez 5 lat płacisz im dotychczasowe rachunki za prąd.

zdecydowanie popieram wszystko czemu sie sprzeciwiaja zwolennicy teorii spiskowej

Benjamin Fulford Report for March 13, 2012 - Pope Will Resign April 15


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Last week Geithner was arrested and released?


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Over A 100 Banksters Resign As Illuminati Satanist Cabalists Lose Grip-Ben Fulford Explains-Pt-1


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Over A 100 Banksters Resign As Illuminati Satanist Cabalists Lose Grip-Ben Fulford Explains-Pt 2

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Alert - Many Bankers Resigning

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Te rezygnacje w bankowości i sektorze finansowym to konsekwencja usuwania nazwijmy to gwarantów poprzedniego sytemu, którzy są zastępowani nowymi ludźmi będącymi za wprowadzaniem nowego systemu finansowego. Inni widząc co się dzieje, szukają nowego zajęcia.

Zapotrzebowanie na zmiany istnieje a one same są nieuchronne i powrotu do tego co było nie widzę. Gospodarka i finanse osiągną dno. Faktycznie rozpocznie to proces budowania nowej rzeczywistości, który ze swą logiczną konsekwencja będzie wcielany krok po kroku. W ludziach otwiera się i poszerza świadomość. Należy się spodziewać, że dotychczasowe ograniczenia będą usuwane. Przestaną istnieć socjalne, ekonomiczne, kulturalne, naukowe, polityczne i religijne granice. Nowa sytuacja i warunki dadzą impuls po którym należy się spodziewać rozwoju naukowego i odkryć nowych technologii. Krótko mówiąc początek przyspieszonej ewolucji. Pogoń za mamoną i ekonomiczne niewolnictwo się skońcą.



Te rezygnacje w bankowości i sektorze finansowym to konsekwencja usuwania nazwijmy to gwarantów poprzedniego sytemu, którzy są zastępowani nowymi ludźmi będącymi za wprowadzaniem nowego systemu finansowego. Inni widząc co się dzieje, szukają nowego zajęcia.

Zapotrzebowanie na zmiany istnieje a one same są nieuchronne i powrotu do tego co było nie widzę. Gospodarka i finanse osiągną dno. Faktycznie rozpocznie to proces budowania nowej rzeczywistości, który ze swą logiczną konsekwencja będzie wcielany krok po kroku. W ludziach otwiera się i poszerza świadomość. Należy się spodziewać, że dotychczasowe ograniczenia będą usuwane. Przestaną istnieć socjalne, ekonomiczne, kulturalne, naukowe, polityczne i religijne granice. Nowa sytuacja i warunki dadzą impuls po którym należy się spodziewać rozwoju naukowego i odkryć nowych technologii. Krótko mówiąc początek przyspieszonej ewolucji. Pogoń za mamoną i ekonomiczne niewolnictwo się skońcą.




ale jak to ma byc zrobione, co zrobic z pseudokapitalistami ktorzy juz doslownie kontroluja rzady jak sie ich wyzbyc bo zeby zmienic cos to trzeba sie wyzbyc pseudokapitalistow (albo liczyc na cud ze zaczna wspolpracowac w celu polepszenia zycia ogolu ale jak przestudiowac kryzysy to latwo zauwazyc ze kieruja sie tylko "zysk ponad wszystko" nie wazne czy zniszczy gospodarke byle sie nahapac, jak taki przecietny pseudokapitalista kieruje sie taka zasada to nie widze sposobu poza wojna albo bardzo dotkliwym kryzysem ktory zapoczatkuje rewolucje na razie na zmiane


pod jednym filmikiem czytalem taki wpis i gdyby rowiazac ten problem to mozna by cos polepszyc na swiecie, ale samo obserwowanie co sie dzieje w prawach dystrybutora zwanych prawami autorskimi i to co chca forsowac (np acta blokowanie netow oplata za radio w domu a jak sluchasz w firmie to druga do tego nadajacy tez oplacaja sklepy itd itd) to wiedz ze bez rewolucji czy wojny bedzie ciezko


"Konsekwencją globalizacji jest przejmowanie kontroli nad światową gospodarką przez korporacje, które przekształcającą się w potężne ponadpaństwowe organizacje, zdolne wpływać na losy mniejszych państwa. To one są siłą napędową procesów globalizacyjnych, dzięki którym odnoszą spektakularne sukcesy ekonomiczne, kosztem niewolniczej pracy ludzi z trzeciego świata (i nie tylko). W moim odczuciu to ostatni moment, w którym państwa wciąż dysponują wystarczającą siłą, by się im przeciwstawić."

chwilowy brak działalności w audio.

Masz rację. Nastąpi zmiana na kluczowych stanowiskach. Nowy system w zasadzie uzyskał akceptacje trzech największych sił na Ziemi. Problem jest inny. Zmiany będą według mnie bardzo duże. Zmieni się system własności do ziemi i bogactw naturalnych, prawo patentowe przestanie obowiązywać, będą usuwane granice itp. Pomyśl, o tym się głośno nie mówi ale w tym kierunku to zmierza i tylko to może zdać egzamin. W zasadzie to o czym ja myślę zakrawa na science fiction. Na początku można się tego przestraszyć ale tak naprawdę będzie lepiej. Dla wszystkich będzie lepiej. Ci co im to nie odpowiada nie odnajdą się w nowej rzeczywistości.To całkiem nowa rzeczywistość, nowy świat, nowa era.

Nowy system w zasadzie uzyskał akceptacje trzech największych sił na Ziemi.

Masz na myśli przyciąganie płciowe, uzależnienie od alkoholu i narkotyków oraz magię pieniądza? To są te 3 największe siły na Ziemi? ;)

Lista rezygnacji się wydłuża się w tempie wykładniczym. Jeszcze 10 marca ją aktualizowałem i było na niej 236 nazwisk. Obecnie jest ich już 320! Są to nazwiska przedstawicieli mamagementu wysokiego szczebla kadry kierowniczej banków, funduszy i innych instytucji finansowych NA CAŁYM ŚWIECIE. Pytanie oczywiste, ktore się nasuwa brzmi: o czym oni już wiedzą, a my jeszcze nie?

Uderzające jest to, że są to REZYGNACJE. To oznacza także rezygnacje z krociowych odpraw. To z kolei wskazuje na ogromny pośpiech wśród rezygnujących…

Na 39-ej pozycji jest też rezygnacja kogoś z naszych rodaków.

Wizualnie lista wygląda, jak poniżej. Jeżeli chcesz zobaczyć linki do artykułów źródłowych opisujących każdą z kolejnych rezygnacji, zajrzyj na stronę American Kabuki, która publikuje i aktualizuje tę szokującą listę.


ZAKTUALIZOWANA LISTA na dzień 11 marca 2012:

9/01/11 (USA NY) Bank of New York Mellon Chief Robert P. Kelly Resigns in a Shake-UP

9/06/11 (BELGIUM) Dexia confirmed that its CEO Stefaan Decraene had left the company. Its exposures to sovereign debt in the PIIGS nations are larger than its core Tier 1 capital.

9/09/11 (GERMANY) European Central Bank (ECB) governing board member Jürgen Stark, who has resigned

9/12/11 (HONG KONG) HSBC Group Hang Seng Bank Non-Executive Director Mark McCombe resigns

9/14/11 (USA NJ) Columbia Bank CEO Raymond G. Hallock Announces Retirement

9/15/11 (USA NY) Morgan Stanley, Chairman John Mack resigns

9/18/11 (JORDAN) Central Bank governor Faris Sharaf resigns over policy

9/20/11 (SCOTLAND) SCOTTISH WIDOWS (RETIREMENT INVESTMENT SAVINGS FUND) There could be no Scottish representative on the board of Lloyds Banking Group, owner of Bank of Scotland, in future after it announced the departure of Lord Sandy Leitch, the chairman of Scottish Widows and group deputy chairman.

9/21/11 (AUSTRALIA & NZ) JP Morgan Australia and New Zealand Worldwide Securities Services CEO Jane Perry resigned

9/25/11 (SWITZERLAND) UBS CEO Oswald Gruebel quits over £1.5bn rogue trader crisis

9/25/11 (USA CA) Douglas E. Tow, Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer, will retire from the Company

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9/28/11 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Bank Council: Fritz Studer resigns as per end-April 2012

9/29/11 (JAPAN) BLIFE Investment Corporation, Asset Manager Director Masaomi Yamadaira resigned.

9/29/11 (UK) Barclays, Head of UK & European Retail Banking Deanna Oppenheimer resigned.

9/29/11 (USA NM) New Mexico Pension Fund Director Terry Slattery Resigns

10/01/11 (USA MO) Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Thomas M. Hoenig retired on Oct. 1, 2011

10/03/11 (GHANA) Intercontinental Bank Ghana Limited, Managing Director and CEO Albert Mmegwa resigned.

10/03/11 (INDIA) The of Euram Bank Asia, president Arun Panchariya, has resigned after being implicated in a stock trading scandal in India.

10/03/11 (USA FL) Quantek Opportunity Fund, portfolio manager Javier Guerra. Arbitration awarded $1 million damages to Aris Multi-Strategy Fund. Quantek Asset Management made false statements to Aris.

10/05/11 (UK) UBS co-chief François Gouws of global equities had resigned after last month’s revelation of a $2.3 billion loss from unauthorized trading.

10/05/11 (UK) UBS co-chief Yassine Bouhara of global equities had resigned after last month’s revelation of a $2.3 billion loss from unauthorized trading.

10/10/11 (BELGIUM) Dexia (Franco-Belgian bank) its chairman Jean-Luc Dehaene will give up his role on the board of Dexia’s Belgian division, which is being sold to the Belgian state as part of a rescue deal, the group said on Monday.

10/11/11 (CHINA) China Construction Bank Non-Executive Direct Sue Yang resigns for personal reasons.

10/11/11 (UK) Dynamic Funds, portfolio manager David Taylor has resigned.

10/13/11 (UK) Cogent Partners co-head research department Bill Farrell resigned.

10/13/11 (UK) Cogent Partners co-head research department Katita Palamar resigned.

10/14/11 (USA TX) Deutsche Bank Investment Advisor Griffin Perry resigns, SEC regulations prevented him from campaigning for his father Rick Perry’s Presidential campaign.

10/23/11 (USA) Fairholme Capital Management LLC, Director Charles Fernandez stepped down for personal reasons. Fairholme Fund has lost 26 percent of its net asset value due to bets that have backfired on AIG Inc, Bank of America Corp and Florida-based landowner and developer St Joe Co.

10/24/11 (ICELAND) Icelandic State Financial Investments board members of Icelandic State Financial Investments have resigned following “outside interference” with their Sept. 30 decision to hire Pall Magnusson, the former political adviser to the island’s industry minister, as chief executive officer. [names and positions have been requested from the reporter on 3/9/12]

10/24/11 (SINGAPORE) Keppel Corporation Limited, Teo Soon Hoe will resign from his role as group finance director Jan 1.

10/26/11 (INDIA) Beed District Bank (Coop Bank) CEO B S Deshmukh arrested for embezzling Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd payment deposits.

10/26/11 (INDIA) Beed District Bank (Coop Bank) former CEO A N Kulkarni arrested for embezzling Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd payment deposits.

10/27/11 (USA NY) Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Inc (KBW) CEO John Duffy stepped aside. Duffy has prostate cancer.

10/29/11 (CHINA) Agricultural Bank of China Ltd Chairman Xiang Junbo resigns

10/29/11 (CHINA) China Construction Bank Corp Chairman Guo Shuqing resigns

10/31/11 (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY) European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet, resigns.

11/01/11 (INDIA) Beed District Bank (Coop Bank More directors resign [research still being conducted on the names]

11/02/11 (UK) Lloyds Banking Group chief executive, António Horta-Osório, is to take leave of absence on health grounds for six to eight weeks, the BBC has reported. (STILL OUT AS OF 2/24/12 - DEFACTO RESIGNATION)

11/03/11 (POLAND) Nordea Bank Poland, Wlodzimierz Kicinski resigned from as President of the Management Board of Nordea Bank Poland as of the 10th of November.

11/04/11 (USA NY) MF Global, Jon Corzine, stepped down as chairman and CEO, hired criminal attorney to represent him.

11/08/11 (SINGAPORE) The Singapore Fund, Inc, Austin C. Dowling has resigned as Director of the Fund

11/10/11 (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY) European Central Bank Lorenzo Bini Smaghi resigned from the European Central Bank’s Executive Board.

11/10/11 (INDIA) UBS The head of India operations at UBS AG , Manisha Girotra, has resigned

11/11/11 (HONG KONG) Goldman Sachs’ Asia Pacific co-head Yusuf Alireza is retiring from the investment bank after 19 years

11/15/11 (USA NY) Icahn Enterprises LP, senior managing director of health-care investing, Alex Denner, has resigned.

11/16/11 (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY) International Monetary Fund Europe, director Antonio Borges resigns for personal reasons.

11/17/11 (NETHERLANDS) Syntrus Achmea (pensions manager), CIO Marjolein Sol is resigning.

11/18/11 (SCOTLAND) Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Limited (SWIP) Private Equity Fund, wish to announce the resignation of John Brett from the Board of Directors of the Company, for business reasons.

11/21/11 (JAPAN) UBS’s Japan Investment Banking Chairman Matsui to Resign

11/23/12 (USA SC & NC) Bank of the Carolinas, CFO Eric Rhodes resigns for personal reasons. Bank of the Carolinas was delisted from the NASDAQ on 3/9/12

11/28/11 (LATVIA) Latvia’s chief banking regulator, Irena Krumane, said she resigned today, a week after the state took over Latvijas Krajbanka AS (LKB1R), the Baltic News Service reported. The bank regulator suspended operations at Krajbanka, a subsidiary of Lithuania’s Bankas Snoras AB, on Nov. 21 and said around 100 million lati ($191.8 million) was missing. The Lithuanian government seized Snoras on Nov. 16 saying assets reported on the lender’s balance sheet were missing.

11/29/11 (NORWAY) Carnegie ASA’s co-head of investment banking in Norway, Cato Holmsen, has resigned

11/29/11 (USA) R. David Land Submits Resignation from the Boards of Directors of Peoples Bancorp. and Seneca National Bank

11/30/11 (LITHUANIA) Lithuania Central Bank, Governor Vitas Vasiliauskas fired Kazimieras Ramonas, head of the banking supervision department, after seizing Bankas Snoras AB, the country’s third-biggest deposit bank.

12/01/11 (SRI LANKA) Sri Lanka’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) head Indrani Sugathadasa resigned.

12/02/11 (PAKISTAN) NIB Bank, Singapore forced resignation of CEO Khawaja Iqbal Hassan, for mismanagement

12/03/11 (USA SC) South Carolina’s $25 billion pension fund chief investor Robert Borden resigned. Borden’s resignation comes as the SC Retirement System faces a $13 billion deficit, prompting state lawmakers to call for a massive overhaul of the system.

12/05/11 (BERMUDA) HSBC Bermuda Ltd, CEO Philip Butterfield retires

12/05/11 (BERMUDA) HSBC Bermuda Ltd, chairman of the board and director John Campbell resigns

12/06/11 (USA ) Western Liberty Bancorp CFO George Rosenbaum has resigned.

12/08/11 (INDIA) Nomura’s co-head of equity-linked solutions Neeraj Hora, resigns

12/08/11 (USA) Fidelity Global Special Situations Fund, manager Jorma Korhonen resigned.

12/14/11 (MAURITIUS) African Alliance Africa Pioneer Fund I (the „Fund”), Portfolio Manager Paul David Austin Clark resigned

12/14/11 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs global head Milton R. Berlinski retiring at the end of the year

12/15/11 (UK) Coutts [private bank] Senior private banker James Fleming resigns

12/19/11 (CANADA) Holloway Lodging Real Estate Investment Trust (a REIT) CEO Glenn Squires has resigned

12/19/11 (DENMARK) Danske Bank Eivind Kolding has resigned as Chairman of the Board of Directors and from the three board committees on which he served, He continues as member of Danske Bank’s Board of Directors until he assumes the position of Chairman of the Executive Board on 15 February 2012. On the same day, at the latest, Eivind Kolding will resign from the A.P. Moller-Maersk Group.

12/19/11 (DENMARK) Danske Bank Peter Straarup, who will retire February 15

12/19/11 (JAPAN) Citibank Japan CEO, Darren Buckley, resigns after Citibank was punished by regulators for the third time in seven years.

12/20/11 (UK) Prudential (UK) Chairman Harvey McGrath has informed the Board of his intention to retire from the Board in 2012 once a successor has been found.

12/20/11 (USA MA) Century Bancorp, Inc., Director Roger S. Berkowitz resigned.

12/21/11 (USA MN) Voyager Bank, fired CEO trade accusations, New details have emerged in Voyager Bank’s firing of its CEO in a court filing that accuses him of defrauding the bank of $15 million. The former CEO, Timothy Owens, has sued the bank for wrongful termination and accused the bank of defaming him.

12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Board Member Claire Gargalli quits

12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Board Member Leslie Disharoon quits

12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Board Member Neal Kassell quits

12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Chairman Mark Giles quits

12/23/11 (USA) Third Avenue Value Fund, co-manager Marty Whitman is leaving.

1/01/12 (ISRAEL) Israel’s Bank Leumi CEO Galia Maor steps down after 16 years

1/01/12 (NIGERIA) United Bank for Africa Plc Victor Osadolor resigns

1/03/12 (UK) Arbuthnot Banking Group: Atholl Turrell left the Board.

1/03/12 (UK) Arbuthnot Banking Group: Neil Kirton resigned from the Board

1/03/12 (USA VA) Suffolk Bancorp president and CEO J. Gordon Huszagh steps down

1/03/12 (USA WI) Michael Falbo, president and CEO of Southport Bank, has resigned just six months after accepting the position.

1/05/12 (UK) Saunderson House [Private Bank] CEO Nick Fletcher steps down

1/05/12 (USA NY) Blackstone/GSO Senior Floating Rate Term Fund and Blackstone/GSO Long-Short Credit Income Fund announced that John R. O’Neill has resigned.

1/07/12 (UK) Arab Banking Corporation Intl. Bank (ABCIB) Manama, Bahrain: ABCIB announced retirement of CEO Nofal Barbar from its London office.

1/09/12 (SWITZERLAND) Temenos Group AG, provider of core banking software announced the resignation of Mark Austen as a member of the Board of Directors.

1/09/12 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Chairman Philipp Hildebrand resigns

1/09/12 (USA NY) Morgan Stanley Chief Legal Officer Frank Barron retires.

1/09/12 (USA WASHINGTON DC) Whitehouse former banker and Chief of Staff William M. Daley resigned

1/11/12 (KAZAKHSTAN) BTA Bank, CEO Marat Zairov resigns for health reasons.

1/11/12 (SWITZERLAND) La Banque Privée Edmond de Rothschild, CEO Claude Messulam resigns, replaced by Christophe de Backer, Claude Messulam to become a director of the bank holding company.

1/12/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs, Co-Head Securities Trading David B. Heller retires

1/12/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs, Co-Head Securities Trading Edward K. Eisler retires

1/13/12 (IRELAND) National Asset Management Agency, head of lending Graham Emmett is resigning

1/17/12 (CANADA) Cumberland Private Wealth Management CIO John Wilson quit to join another money manager.

1/17/12 (HONG KONG) Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited (OCBC Bank) CEO David Conner retires.

1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Ali Yousef Al Awwadhy resigned.

1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Miss Anoud Fadhel Al Hathran resigned.

1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Badr Suliman Al Ahmed resigned.

1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Majed Ali Oweid Awadh resigned.

1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Salem Ali Hassan Al Ali resigned.

1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Tarek Farid Al Othman resigned.

1/17/12 (UK) Morgan Stanley Intl, chairman Walid Chammah is retiring. An inside source speculated that it could mean that the company had suffered exposure to European sovereign debt woes under Chammah’s purview.

1/18/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs co-head of its investment management division Ed Forst resigns.

1/18/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs co-heads of Goldman’s securities business David Heller resigns.

1/18/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs co-heads of Goldman’s securities business Edward Eisler resigns.

1/19/12 (EGYPT) Beltone Financial Holding (BTFH) Alaa’ Sabaa resigned from board of directors.

1/19/12 (EGYPT) Beltone Financial Holding (BTFH) Wael EL Mahgary resigned from board of directors.

1/19/12 (UK) Santander, senior director Americas division Francisco Luzón is retiring with a pension pot of about €56m, a package whose generous size is expected to reignite controversy over bankers’ remuneration.

1/20/12 (JAPAN) Normura’s head of wholesale banking Jasjit Bhattai quits

1/20/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) First National Bank’s sharia banking division is in a state of flux after it was hit by a corporate governance scandal in which its chief executive, Ebi Patel, was put on „special leave” for almost a month while an internal probe was conducted. Patel has been reinstated, but is facing disciplinary action. Islamic finance forbids the payment and receipt of interest (riba), and investment in some industries. Sharia law states that interest-bearing transactions result in economic ills such as unemployment and high inflation. Trading in derivatives and speculative investment are also forbidden. Sharia law requires all transactions to be backed by tangible assets.

1/20/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) South African deputy economic development minister Enoch Godongwana quit his post this week in the face of growing outrage in government circles about his involvement in a company that allegedly defrauded clothing factory workers of R100-million of their pension fund money.

1/20/12 (USA NY) JPMorgan Chase, Mortgage Banking Default organization head Scott Powell has decided to leave the bank.

1/20/12 (USA) TIAA-CREF executive vice president and president of Asset Management, Scott C. Evans resigned

1/21/12 (GREECE) Institute of International Finance negotiator Charles Dallara quits

1/21/12 (GREECE) Institute of International Finance negotiator Jean Lemierre quits

1/21/12 (SINGAPORE) ANZ Asia’s private banking head Nina Aguas resigns as managing director of Asia-Pacific private banking.

1/21/12 (UK) Butterfield Private Bank head Danny Dixon Steps Down

1/21/12 (USA CA) Nara Bancorp (Now called BBCN) President and CEO Min Kim Resigns

1/22/12 (KENYA) National Bank of Kenya’s (NBK) managing director, Mr Reuben Marambii, will resign before year end.

1/24/12 (IRELAND) Deutsche International Corporate Services Limited fund, Paul Shevlin resigned as a director

1/24/12 (SWITZERLAND) Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Dr. Michel Kazatchkine, a French clinical immunologist and head of the $22.6 billion fund has abruptly resigned, since revelations about corruption and misspending severely rattled some of its biggest donors. The resignation came on the eve of the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, which played a role in its creation a decade ago. A dinner for the public-private fund is planned Thursday with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and major backers Bill Gates and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The shakeup resulted from an internal review to address problems highlighted in Associated Press stories last year about the loss of tens of millions of dollars in grant money because of mismanagement and alleged fraud. Its biggest private donor is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has pledged $1.15 billion and provided it with $650 million so far.

1/25/12 (UK) SOFIA PROPERTY FUND LIMITED, Gerry Williams has resigned as a Director, following his resignation from Ardel Holdings Limited („Ardel”) where he was CEO. Ardel is the holding company of Ardel Fund Services Limited which provides administration services in Guernsey to the Company.

1/25/12 (USA NY) Fortress Private Equity, CEO Daniel Madrid (aka Daniel Mudd) has resigned. Madrid was forced to leave in order to deal with SEC allegations. Prior to joining Fortress, Madrid served as Fannie Mae CEO and was forced to resign. SEC sued Madrid and former Freddie Mac CEO Richard West Long (aka Richard Syron) for hiding hundreds of billions of dollars in subprime loans. Madrid denied the SEC allegations saying the US govt. and investors were informed of Fannie Mae’s loan data.

1/27/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA Group CEO Daphne Motsepe retires at the end of April after a 10-year career at the bank.

1/27/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA Group chief marketing and communication officer Happy Ntshingila, will be taking up an „exciting position” outside banking

1/27/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA Group COO Alfie Naidoo would be leaving to pursue personal interests

1/29/12 (NEW ZEALAND) New Zealand Reserve Bank Gov Alan Bollard to Step Down

1/29/12 (PORTUGAL) Banco Santander Totta SA executive chairman Nuno Manuel da Silva Amado has resigned

1/29/12 (UAE) NBD, Emirates ‘s investment banking division CEO Suresh Kumar is leaving the bank

1/30/12 (UK) British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVCA) COO Andrew Graham steps down

1/31/12 (SCOTLAND) Royal Bank of Scotland former CEO Fred Goodwin Stripped of Knighthood

2/01/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA [barclay's Bank] deputy CEO Louis von Zeuner resigns

2/01/12 (SYRIA) Arab Bank Syria Board member Basma Talal Zein resigns.

2/01/12 (UK) Lloyds Bankging Group head of wholesaleTruett Tate quits

2/01/12 (UK) Llyods Banking Group Tim Tookey leaving end of February

2/02/12 (USA) American Perspective Bank, President and CEO Thomas J. Beene resigned.

2/02/12 (USA) NIR Group hedge funds, Corey Ribotsky was forced out of NIR by Pricewaterhouse-Coopers, the court-appointed liquidator, following allegations of fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission. In September, the SEC sued Ribotsky and NIR for taking more than $1 million of investors’ money to buy cars and watches.

2/02/12 (VENEZUELA) Banking Crisis Arne Chacon arrested for Banking Corruption

2/03/12 (UK) UBS London trader, Kweku M. Adoboli, was arrested and charged with fraud and false accounting, forcing UBS to announce a $2.3 billion trading loss.

2/03/12 (UK) VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund Ltd, Non-Executive Director Horst Geicke has resigned.

2/05/12 (USA – NY) Morgan Stanley investment banking Tarek Abdel-Meguid quit

2/05/12 (USA – NY) Morgan’s investment banking chairman Joseph Perella quit

2/06/12 (INDIA) Dhanlaxmi Bank CEO Amitabh Chaturvedi quits:

2/06/12 (USA NY) TD Ameritrade, head of retail distribution John Bunch resigns. Bunch is leaving to take the top job at a small investment advisory firmin Kansas City.

2/07/12 (INDIA) Kotak Mahindra Bank Falguni Nayar quits

2/07/12 (IRAN) Iran denies central bank resignation rumor (don’t believe until its denied?)

2/07/12 (USA) Bank Of America’s Mortgage Business Chief Barbara Desoer Retires

2/08/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Standard Bank Group Ltd – Resignation of Group Secretary Loren Wulfsohn

2/08/12 (UAE) Emirates NBD makes top-level changes Bank’s deputy chief executive officer Abdul Wahed Al Fahim has resigned.

2/08/12 (USA OH) Cleveland International Fund (CIF) private equity fund, A. Eddy Zai launched and led the Cleveland International Fund, an investment outfit that pairs wealthy foreign investors hoping for U.S. residency with job-creating projects. Zai resigned from his job this week, before being indicted in a bank-fraud scheme that, according to investigators, contributed to the collapse of a credit union in Eastlake.

2/09/12 (UK) Alliance Trust Savings (ATS), Robert Burgess is stepping down as CEO.

2/09/12 (UK) JP Morgan Chinese Investment Trust PLC, non-executive Director Madam Yujiang Zhao resigned

2/09/12 (UKRAINE) National Bank of Ukraine deputy governor Volodymyr Krotiuk quits

2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka „Vatican Bank”), 49 year old Father Don Salvatore Palumbo of the socially popular parish of San Gaetano

2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka „Vatican Bank”), 37 year old Father Horace Bonaccorsi of Catania, already tried and acquitted in Sicily for money laundering offenses recycling money through accounts at IOR

2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka „Vatican Bank”), 62 year old Monsignor Emilio Messina, the Archdiocese of Camerino-San Severino Marche investigated on money laundering by Italian officials.

2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka „Vatican Bank”), 85 year old Father Don Evaldo Biasini of Rome. Father Don Evaldo Biasini is known as the „Don of Cash”.

2/10/12 (INDIA) Tamilnad Mercantile Bank CEO A K Jagannathan resigns

2/10/12 (KOREA) Korea Exchange Bank chief Larry Klane steps down

2/13/12 (KUWAIT) Kuwait Central Bank CEO Sheikh Salem Abdulaziz Al Sabbah resigns

2/13/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs confirmed on Monday that George N. Mattson, one of the firm’s top deal makers in the industrial sector, will retire. He was a senior relationship banker with a client list that included General Motors, General Electric and Caterpillar.

2/14/12 (NICARAQUA) Nicaraqua Central Bank President Antenor Rosales resigns

2/14/12 (PAKISTAN) National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) chairman Syed Ali Raza resigned

2/14/12 (UK) Social finance pioneer Malcolm Hayday quits Charity Bank

2/14/12 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs Jeffrey Moslow resigns, an investment banker to companies such as Tyco International Ltd, Nstar, the Boston-based utility, and defense contractor Dyncorp International Inc.

2/15/12 (CHINA) Morgan non-executive chairman Stanley Stephen Roach will be retiring.

2/15/12 (SLOVENIA) Nova Kreditna Banka Maribor CEO Andrej Plos resigns

2/15/12 (SLOVENIA) Nova Ljubljanska Banka d.d. CEO Bozo Jasovic resigns

2/15/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) HPA – Hospitality Property Fund Limited, chairman Frank Berkeley resigned.

2/15/12 (USA) Boston Properties (REIT), Executive VP and COO E. Mitchell Norvilleto resigned

2/15/12 (WORLD) World Bank CEO Zoellick resigns

2/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) ANZ Bank Australia CFO Peter Marriott resigns

2/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) Royal Bank of Scotland Austraila CEO Stephen Williams resigns

2/16/12 (GHANA) Databank Group Executive Chair Ken Ofori-Atta steps down

2/16/12 (SAUDI ARABIA) Saudi Hollandi Banks Managing Director Geoffrey Calvert Quits

2/16/12 (UK) Marex Spectron senior trader Michael Elsom Arrested

2/16/12 (UK) Royal Bank of Scotland director equities bus. Vincent Walsh director Arrested

2/16/12 (UK) Royal Bank of Scotland Sr Equities Trader Jason Edinburgh Arrested

2/16/12 (UK) The Financial Services Authority Margaret Cole is to step down

2/16/12 (USA IL) Deerfield Capital Management LLC, CEO Daniel Hattori and CEO of CIFC Corp resigned.

2/16/12 (USA IL) Deerfield Capital Management LLC, COO Luke Knecht and CEO of CIFC Corp, resigned both positions.

2/17/12 (BULGARIA) Bulgaria National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), The managing director Neli Nesheva, resigned after a two-day row about end-of-year bonuses paid by NHIF to its employees.

2/17/12 (PAKISTAN) PICIC Asset Management Company Limited CFO Ahmed Raza resigns

2/17/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Coronation Fund Managers CEO Hugo Nelson is stepping down at age of 40.

2/17/12 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Council President Hansueli Raggenbass resigns

2/17/12 (UK) Insight Investment, asset manager Mike Pinggera has resigned..

2/17/12 (USA NY) Harbinger Group Inc. CFO Francis T. McCarron has advised the Company of his resignation effective April 30

2/17/12 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein out as by summer

2/18/12 (PAKISTAN) The Bank of Azad Jammu and Kashmir executive Zulfiqar Abbasi resigns

2/19/12 (MALTA) Bank of Valletta, director of the Multi-Manager Fund John C. Ripard, has resigned being reprimanded by the MFSA for disposing of his holdings in the Fund whilst in possession of sensitive information which was not available to the public.

2/20/12 (ISRAEL) Bank Leumi le-Israel Ltd: Zvi Itskovitch resigns

2/20/12 (RUSSIA) Head of Russian Bank Regulator Gennady Melikyan Steps Down

2/20/12 (SWITZERLAND) Credit Suisse Chief Joseph Tan resigns

2/20/12 (USA WA) First Financial Northwest Director Spencer Schneider Quits

2/21/12 (ARGENTINA) Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA) Gen Mgr Benigno Velez, resigns

2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) City General Insurance Co. Ltd director Geasuddin Ahmad resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank

2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Abdul Matlub resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank

2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Abdul Musabbir Ahmad resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank

2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Selima Ahmad resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank

2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Social Islami Bank Limited director Taslima Akter resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank

2/21/12 (JAPAN) CITIBANK JAPAN: Bakhshi is taking over duties from Brian Mccappin, who the bank said in December would resign after the unit was banned for two weeks from trading tied to the London and Tokyo interbank offered rates.

2/22/12 (HONG KONG) DZ BANK project finance head Tim Meaney quits

2/22/12 (SINGAPORE) Macquarie International Infrastructure Fund’s CEO John Stuart to resign

2/22/12 (UK) UBS AG’s (UBSN) Doug McCutcheon, head of Healthcare Banking in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific region, has left Switzerland’s biggest bank after 25 years at the firm.

2/22/12 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs Hedge Fund Group Chief Howard Wietschner to Retire

2/23/12 (SCOTLAND) Royal Bank of Scotland Group director John McFarlane resigns.

2/23/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Richard Gush resigns from Standard Bank

2/23/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs Nordic M&A banker Luca Ferrari has decided to retire from the firm, clients included the largest telecommunications operator in Spain the Spanish telecommunications.

2/24/12 (GUERNSEY) Spearpoint Limited (SPL) Investment Funds, director Mike Kirby resigns for business reasons.

2/24/12 (HONG KONG) Citigroup Pvt Bank Global Real Estate Kwang Meng Quek Resigns

2/24/12 (INDIA) Breaking: ICICI Bank GC Pramod Rao resigns

2/24/12 (NEW ZEALAND) FSF Executive Director Kirk Hope resigns

2/24/12 (USA NY) Evercore Partners Head Eduardo Mestre steps down

2/25/12 (AUSTRALIA AND NZ) Goldman Sachs Chairman Stephen Fitzgerald quits

2/25/12 (DENMARK) European Investment Bank (EIB), Mr Sigmund Lubanski, of the Kingdom of Denmark tendered his resignation.

2/27/12 (BAHRAIN) - Mumtalakat Holding [sovereign Wealth Fund] CEO Al Zain resigns

2/27/12 (BAHRAIN) Khaleeji Commercial Bank CEO Ebrahim Ebrahim quits

2/27/12 (FRANCE) Societe Generale’s Investment Banking Chief Michel Péretié Steps Down

2/27/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank Americas chief Seth Waugh steps down

2/27/12 (GERMANY) Equiduct chairman Artur Fischer steps down

2/27/12 (IRAN) Bank Melli CEO Mahmoud Reza Khaavari Resigns - Flees to Canada!

2/27/12 (IRAN) Bank Saderat CEO Mohammad Jahromi resigns

2/27/12 (MALAYSIA) Elaf Bank CEO Dr El Jaroudi resigns

2/27/12 (SINGAPORE) Standard Chartered Bank, global head of repo and collateralised financing Tanweer Khan resigned.

2/27/12 (UK) Lloyds Banking Group Glen Moreno steps down

2/28/12 (AUSTRALIA) Bank manager Colin John Carleton jailed nine years for $3m theft

2/28/12 (BELGIUM) KBC’s CEO Jan Vanhevel is to retire after a career spanning 41 years.

2/28/12 (CANADA) Ontario Securities Commission chairwoman Peggy-Anne Brown quits

2/28/12 (CHINA) Bank of China International ECM global head Marshall Nicholson quits

2/28/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America’s Asia-Pac. mrkts Brian Canniffe quits

2/28/12 (HONG KONG) Hang Seng Bank CEO Margaret Leung Ko May-yee quits

2/28/12 (IRELAND) State Street Global Advisors Cash Funds plc Director Keith Walsh resigns

2/28/12 (ITALY) UNICREDIT: Chairman Dieter Rampl not available for a new mandate

2/28/12 (SINGAPORE) DBS security head Jim Pasqurell quits, cites health reasons

2/28/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) REDEFINE INCOME FUND director Gerald Leissner resigns

2/28/12 (SRI LANKA) Sri Lanka Com Bank CEO Amitha Gooneratne retires

2/28/12 (UK) Bank of England Sir David Lees re-appointed Chair of Bank of England and gives notice of resignation at end of 2013

2/29/12 (AUSTRALIA) Perpetual portfolio manager Matt Williams steps down

2/29/12 (GUYANA) National Investment and Commercial Investments Ltd. (NICIL), Executive Director Winston Brassington resigns, “We feel that (Winston) Brassington knows everything…A to Z about all the transactions,” said Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, as he sounded a warning that controversial figure could be subpoenaed to appear before the Parliamentary Economic Sector Committee.

2/29/12 (UK) Honister Capital CEO Richard Pearson steps down

3/01/12 (ICELAND) Iceland’s Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) fired its director Gunnar Andersen

3/01/12 (ITALY) Italian Banking Association Chairman Giuseppe Mussari talks to reporters in Rome after he and seven other executives offered to resign in protest over new banking-fee rules included in the government’s legislation on boosting competition.

3/01/12 (MALAYSIA) RHB Bank Bhd deputy managing director Renzo Viegas quits

3/01/12 (SINGAPORE) UBS Singapore – James Tulley is leaving Switzerland’s largest bank, it is not clear where he is going.

3/01/12 (USA FL) Florida Venture Forum [Venture Capital] Exec Dir Robin Lester quits

3/01/12 (USA NH) Piscataqua Savings Bank CEO Jay Gibson retires

3/01/12 (USA NY) PineBridge Investments said Win Neuger has resigned as chief executive. Neuger helped build AIG’s third party asset management business, PineBridge still manages AIG assets

3/01/12 (USA OR) Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund (OPERF) senior RE officer Brad Child will retire

3/02/12 (BOTSWANA) Barclays Bank Botswana managing director Wilfred Mpai forced to resign

3/02/12 (CHINA) China Construction Bank Corp, assistant general manager and head of corporate banking Mickey Mehta quits

3/02/12 (HONG KONG) New Century Group Hong Kong Ltd [investment house and leisure group] Wilson Ng resigns

3/02/12 (UK) Bank of England Sir Mervin King resigns in June, Lord Sassoon tipped as replacement.

3/02/12 (USA NY) Citigroup Richard Parsons to step down as chairman

3/02/12 (USA NY) Deutsche Bank Student Loan CEOJohn Hupalo quits to start student loan counseling firm.

3/03/12 (AUSTRIA) Volksbank AG (VBAG) The contract of CEO Gerald Wenzel will not be extended

3/03/12 (ETHIOPIA) Dashen Bank’s board dismisses president Leulseged Teferi

3/03/12 (RUSSIA) Enza Capital KK, Wealthy British banker Philip Townsend (Baron Townsend of Rathmore) and his wife killed at Estonia holiday home ⑆44541444⑈

3/04/12 (KOREA) Hana Financial Group Inc, prominent figure in the history of South Korean finance Kim Seung-yu , resigns

3/04/12 (USA NY) JP Morgan prop trading chief Mike Stewart quits

3/05/12 (NEW ZEALAND) Insured Group Bill Jeffries has resigned as chairman and director

3/05/12 (SAUDI ARABIA) Al Rajhi Bank CEO Abdullah bin Sulaiman Al Rajhi has resigned

3/05/12 (UK) Jupiter fund co-manager John Hamilton steps down

3/05/12 (USA) Reliance Bancshares chairman Patrick Gideon resigned

3/06/12 (FRANCE) Blackstone Group’s Paris office leader Jean-Michel Steg will step down

3/06/12 (JAMAICA) Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited, Patricia Sutherland has resigned as Executive Director

3/06/12 (JAMAICA) Jamaica’s Financial Services Commission (FSC), Executive director Rohan Barnett, has resigned the position, the Ministry of Finance, Planning and the Public Service announced this afternoon.

3/06/12 (UK) Aberdeen Asset Management, non-executive director Gerhard Fusenig has resigned from the board.

3/06/12 (UK) Sterling Green Group has announced that Philip Kanas, a non-executive director, has decided to resign

3/06/12 (USA PA) USA Technologies Inc Bradley M. Tirpak, a nominee of Shareholder Advocates for Value Enhancement,has resigned from its board subsequent to a settlement agreement with the investing group, according to an SEC filing. Provides a network of wireless non-cash transactions, associated financial/network services and energy management. It provides networked credit card and other non-cash systems in the vending, commercial laundry, hospitality and digital imaging industries.

3/07/12 (AUSTRALIA) Customers Ltd, Tim Wildash has cashed himself out as chief executive of Australia’s largest ATM operator

3/07/12 (FRANCE) Société Générale Private Banking, Daniel Truchi is to step down as head of Société Générale Private Banking

3/07/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank AG’s (DB) Chief Operating Officer Hermann-Josef Lamberti to resign

3/07/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank AG’s (DB) Chief Risk Officer Hugo Baenzigeri to resign


3/07/12 (HONG KONG) UBS Senior Asia Economist Jonathan Anderson Departs

3/07/12 (SCOTLAND) Macfarlane Group Chairman Archie Hunter to step down after 8 years of service

3/07/12 (SINGAPORE) Nikko Asset Management Timothy McCarthy is retiring as chairman and CEO at the end of the month

3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) Christopher French resigns from board

3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) co-head of global mergers and acquisitions Yoel Zaoui resigns

3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) David Wildermuth resigns from board

3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) Matthew Westerman resigns from board

3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) Phil Beatty resigned as head of European power and natural-gas trading

3/07/12 (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) Dubai Mercantile Exchange announced Thomas Leaver will step down as CEO

3/07/12 (USA CA) CALSTRS, Pascal Villiger, senior private equity portfolio manager at the $145 billion California State Teachers’ Retirement System resigns

3/07/12 (USA) Astaire quits Bank of America Merrill to dance to Barclays Capital’s tune

3/07/12 (USA) BlackRock Emerging Markets Fund co-head Daniel Tubbs, has left the group to pursue other opportunities.

3/08/12 (GERMANY) Clearstream Banking AG – Katja Rosenkranz To Leave Deutsche Börse Group [stockmarket]

3/08/12 (ISRAEL) Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer will hand in his shock resignation in the coming days and take up a new position as head of the Bank of Zambia. Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz is believed to be furious with Fischer’s decision. Treasury officials said he even canceled his participation in the office’s annual Purim party in order to convince Fischer to reverse his decision.

3/08/12 (UK) B&CE CEO Brian Griffiths is to retire later this year

3/08/12 (UK) Invesco Trimark Ltd, portfolio manager Dana Love has resigned.

3/08/12 (USA IL) CBOE Executive Patrick Fay Put on Leave Amid SEC Probe

3/08/12 (USA NH & RI) Bristol County Savings Bank president E. Dennis Kelly retires after 35 years

3/08/12 (USA NY) Schroders, CIO Alan Brown is steps down

3/09/12 (AUSTRALIA) Bank of Queensland CFO Ram Kangatharan plans to leave the bank.

3/09/12 (Côte d’Ivoire) Banque Central des Etats d’Afrique de l’Ouest (BCEAO) The Ivorian governor of the multi-billion dollar West Africa Francophone bank, Philippe-Henry Dacoury-Tabley, resigned his post.

3/09/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Jimmy Choi, who was in charge of high-yield debt, resigned.

3/09/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America Merrill Lynch, K.J. Kim, responsible for Southeast Asia, resigned

3/09/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Leonard Ng, a vice-president in Hong Kong resigned.

3/09/12 (MONGOLIA) Asia Pacific Securities, General Manager Narantuguldur Saijrakh recently resigned, to focus on his role as Director of Khan Investment Management, investment advisor to the Khan Mongolia Equity Fund – the first open-ended investment vehicle with monthly dealing that invests in Mongolia related equities listed both domestically and internationally.

3/09/12 (MONGOLIA) Mongol Bank President Alag Batsukh submitted his resignation letter to Speaker of Parliament D. Demberel at the end of last month. He described his reason for resigning as a lack of support by Parliament.

3/09/12 (UK) Deutsche Bank PWM, head of discretionary management, Kypros Charalambous, having also stepped down.

3/09/12 (UK) Deutsche Bank PWM, UK head of portfolio management Martyn Surguy resigned.

3/09/12 (UK) Lazard , co-head of investment banking Alexis de Rosnay quits. De Rosnay specialises in the healthcare sector, he has advised Teva Pharmaceutical and Novartis.

3/09/12 (USA) Cerberus Capital Management LP, CEO Robert Nardelli resigns.

3/10/12 (AUSTRALIA) WESTPAC, Rob Chapman opted to quit running its regional subsidiary St George Bank.

3/10/12 (CHINA) Korea Development Bank, Shanghai unit senior manager Stella Wen resigned.

3/10/12 (HONG KONG) Deutsche Bank, Johan Sudiman resigns as director.

3/10/12 (TURKEY) Garanti Bank, The deputy CEO of Turkish lender Tolga Egemen, has decided to quit.

3/12/12 (KUWAIT) Gulf Bank, Chairman Ali Rashaid Al Bader quits

3/12/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), CEO Paul Baloyi resigns.

3/12/12 (UK and IRELAND) Allfunds Bank, head of UK and Ireland Alan Gadd is stepping down from his role at the end of April.

3/12/12 (UK) SVG Capital, chairman Nicholas Ferguson resigns. His departure left him well placed to succeed James Murdoch as chairman of BSkyB should the latter bow to investor pressure and step down. Other investors in the satellite broadcaster suggested Ferguson might be seen as too close to Murdoch to win the support of institutional shareholders.

3/12/12 (USA CA) California’s Department of Financial Institutions, commissioner William Haraf resigned. The DFI did not say why he is leaving.

3/12/12 (USA IL) CME Group Inc, CEO Craig Donohues will step down at year end.

3/12/12 (USA) ICAP, CEO of the electronic broking business David Rutter step down following a restructuring of the business.

3/12/12 (USA) John Lewis Partnership Pension Trust, head of investments Andrew Chapman, resigns

3/12/12 (USA) Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, CEO Bryan Marsal Resigns Title, Remains on as Adviser

3/5/12 (UK) Jupiter fund co-manager Tony Nutt steps down

Za American Kabuki przytaczam też anglojęzyczną legendę do opisów stanowisk i skrótów użytych w powyższym tekście:

CEO = Chief Executive Officer, CFO = Chief Financial Officer, CIO = Chief Investment Officer, COO = Chief Operating Officer

INC = Incorporated (can be private held or publically traded shares)

PLC = Public Limited Company (publicly traded shares can be listed or unlisted on stock market)

LTD = Limited Company (privately held)

LLC = American version of LTD, but can have a shareholder/member that is an INC, often hybrids of both

AG = German version of PLC

AB = Swedish version of PLC

SA = Society Anonymous in various latin languages – same as PLC

NV = Dutch version of PLC

BV = Dutch version of LTD

LP = Limited Partners (partnership with limited liability)

REIT = Real Estate Investment Trust

PIERWSZY POST Z 29 lutego 2012


Szokującą listę opublikował jeden z amerykańskich blogów – listę rezygnacji przedstawicieli wysokiego managementu bankowego w ciągu ostatnich kilku miesięcy. Na tej liście – na koniec lutego 2012 – jest 101 pozycji.

Pierwszych 14 pozycji dotyczy roku 2011 – od września do grudnia 2011. Pozostałe 87 pozycji to rezygnacje złożone już w bieżącym roku. Z czego 73 rezygnacje miały miejsce w lutym 2012. Jak tak dalej pójdzie, to za miesiąc banki padną bynajmniej nie z powodu oszustwa systemu bankowego, tylko z powodu braku kadry zarządzającej!

Lista jest szokująca. Każda pozycja podaje datę rezygnacji, nazwisko i stanowisko osoby rezygnującej. Przy każdej pozycji jest też skrócony link do informacji źródłowej.

Jak pisze autor blogu – informacje te zweryfikował dokładnie. Niektóre linki mogą co prawda nie działać – jak to z linkami do wiadomości, które nie koniecznie są powodem do chwały The Power That Was – odchodzącego reżimu bankowego. Niemniej większość linków działa – przynajmniej w chwili publikacji niniejszego postu.

Na liście są banki i fundusze inwestycyjne z całego świata – USA, Europa, Chiny, Afryka, Indie.

CZY TO ZAPOWIADA ROZPAD SYSTEMU BANKOWEGO OD ŚRODKA? Zapewne część rezygnujących po prostu ucieka z tonącego okrętu. Ale wierzę, że część tych bankowców, to ludzie, kórzy po prostu nie mieli świadomości, w czym biorą udział. I zrozumiawszy to… uznali, że nie chcą tego dalej wspierać. Czyli wybrali Nowy Świat. Ciekawe, co?

Link do bloga, którego autor aktualizuję tę szokująca listę

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Lista rezygnacji się wydłuża się w tempie wykładniczym. Jeszcze 10 marca ją aktualizowałem i było na niej 236 nazwisk. Obecnie jest ich już 320! Są to nazwiska przedstawicieli mamagementu wysokiego szczebla kadry kierowniczej banków, funduszy i innych instytucji finansowych NA CAŁYM ŚWIECIE. Pytanie oczywiste, ktore się nasuwa brzmi: o czym oni już wiedzą, a my jeszcze nie?

Uderzające jest to, że są to REZYGNACJE. To oznacza także rezygnacje z krociowych odpraw. To z kolei wskazuje na ogromny pośpiech wśród rezygnujących…

Na 39-ej pozycji jest też rezygnacja kogoś z naszych rodaków.

Wizualnie lista wygląda, jak poniżej. Jeżeli chcesz zobaczyć linki do artykułów źródłowych opisujących każdą z kolejnych rezygnacji, zajrzyj na stronę American Kabuki, która publikuje i aktualizuje tę szokującą listę.


ZAKTUALIZOWANA LISTA na dzień 11 marca 2012:

9/01/11 (USA NY) Bank of New York Mellon Chief Robert P. Kelly Resigns in a Shake-UP

9/06/11 (BELGIUM) Dexia confirmed that its CEO Stefaan Decraene had left the company. Its exposures to sovereign debt in the PIIGS nations are larger than its core Tier 1 capital.

9/09/11 (GERMANY) European Central Bank (ECB) governing board member Jürgen Stark, who has resigned

9/12/11 (HONG KONG) HSBC Group Hang Seng Bank Non-Executive Director Mark McCombe resigns

9/14/11 (USA NJ) Columbia Bank CEO Raymond G. Hallock Announces Retirement

9/15/11 (USA NY) Morgan Stanley, Chairman John Mack resigns

9/18/11 (JORDAN) Central Bank governor Faris Sharaf resigns over policy

9/20/11 (SCOTLAND) SCOTTISH WIDOWS (RETIREMENT INVESTMENT SAVINGS FUND) There could be no Scottish representative on the board of Lloyds Banking Group, owner of Bank of Scotland, in future after it announced the departure of Lord Sandy Leitch, the chairman of Scottish Widows and group deputy chairman.

9/21/11 (AUSTRALIA & NZ) JP Morgan Australia and New Zealand Worldwide Securities Services CEO Jane Perry resigned

9/25/11 (SWITZERLAND) UBS CEO Oswald Gruebel quits over £1.5bn rogue trader crisis

9/25/11 (USA CA) Douglas E. Tow, Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer, will retire from the Company

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9/28/11 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Bank Council: Fritz Studer resigns as per end-April 2012

9/29/11 (JAPAN) BLIFE Investment Corporation, Asset Manager Director Masaomi Yamadaira resigned.

9/29/11 (UK) Barclays, Head of UK & European Retail Banking Deanna Oppenheimer resigned.

9/29/11 (USA NM) New Mexico Pension Fund Director Terry Slattery Resigns

10/01/11 (USA MO) Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Thomas M. Hoenig retired on Oct. 1, 2011

10/03/11 (GHANA) Intercontinental Bank Ghana Limited, Managing Director and CEO Albert Mmegwa resigned.

10/03/11 (INDIA) The of Euram Bank Asia, president Arun Panchariya, has resigned after being implicated in a stock trading scandal in India.

10/03/11 (USA FL) Quantek Opportunity Fund, portfolio manager Javier Guerra. Arbitration awarded $1 million damages to Aris Multi-Strategy Fund. Quantek Asset Management made false statements to Aris.

10/05/11 (UK) UBS co-chief François Gouws of global equities had resigned after last month’s revelation of a $2.3 billion loss from unauthorized trading.

10/05/11 (UK) UBS co-chief Yassine Bouhara of global equities had resigned after last month’s revelation of a $2.3 billion loss from unauthorized trading.

10/10/11 (BELGIUM) Dexia (Franco-Belgian bank) its chairman Jean-Luc Dehaene will give up his role on the board of Dexia’s Belgian division, which is being sold to the Belgian state as part of a rescue deal, the group said on Monday.

10/11/11 (CHINA) China Construction Bank Non-Executive Direct Sue Yang resigns for personal reasons.

10/11/11 (UK) Dynamic Funds, portfolio manager David Taylor has resigned.

10/13/11 (UK) Cogent Partners co-head research department Bill Farrell resigned.

10/13/11 (UK) Cogent Partners co-head research department Katita Palamar resigned.

10/14/11 (USA TX) Deutsche Bank Investment Advisor Griffin Perry resigns, SEC regulations prevented him from campaigning for his father Rick Perry’s Presidential campaign.

10/23/11 (USA) Fairholme Capital Management LLC, Director Charles Fernandez stepped down for personal reasons. Fairholme Fund has lost 26 percent of its net asset value due to bets that have backfired on AIG Inc, Bank of America Corp and Florida-based landowner and developer St Joe Co.

10/24/11 (ICELAND) Icelandic State Financial Investments board members of Icelandic State Financial Investments have resigned following “outside interference” with their Sept. 30 decision to hire Pall Magnusson, the former political adviser to the island’s industry minister, as chief executive officer. [names and positions have been requested from the reporter on 3/9/12]

10/24/11 (SINGAPORE) Keppel Corporation Limited, Teo Soon Hoe will resign from his role as group finance director Jan 1.

10/26/11 (INDIA) Beed District Bank (Coop Bank) CEO B S Deshmukh arrested for embezzling Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd payment deposits.

10/26/11 (INDIA) Beed District Bank (Coop Bank) former CEO A N Kulkarni arrested for embezzling Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd payment deposits.

10/27/11 (USA NY) Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Inc (KBW) CEO John Duffy stepped aside. Duffy has prostate cancer.

10/29/11 (CHINA) Agricultural Bank of China Ltd Chairman Xiang Junbo resigns

10/29/11 (CHINA) China Construction Bank Corp Chairman Guo Shuqing resigns

10/31/11 (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY) European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet, resigns.

11/01/11 (INDIA) Beed District Bank (Coop Bank More directors resign [research still being conducted on the names]

11/02/11 (UK) Lloyds Banking Group chief executive, António Horta-Osório, is to take leave of absence on health grounds for six to eight weeks, the BBC has reported. (STILL OUT AS OF 2/24/12 - DEFACTO RESIGNATION)

11/03/11 (POLAND) Nordea Bank Poland, Wlodzimierz Kicinski resigned from as President of the Management Board of Nordea Bank Poland as of the 10th of November.

11/04/11 (USA NY) MF Global, Jon Corzine, stepped down as chairman and CEO, hired criminal attorney to represent him.

11/08/11 (SINGAPORE) The Singapore Fund, Inc, Austin C. Dowling has resigned as Director of the Fund

11/10/11 (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY) European Central Bank Lorenzo Bini Smaghi resigned from the European Central Bank’s Executive Board.

11/10/11 (INDIA) UBS The head of India operations at UBS AG , Manisha Girotra, has resigned

11/11/11 (HONG KONG) Goldman Sachs’ Asia Pacific co-head Yusuf Alireza is retiring from the investment bank after 19 years

11/15/11 (USA NY) Icahn Enterprises LP, senior managing director of health-care investing, Alex Denner, has resigned.

11/16/11 (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY) International Monetary Fund Europe, director Antonio Borges resigns for personal reasons.

11/17/11 (NETHERLANDS) Syntrus Achmea (pensions manager), CIO Marjolein Sol is resigning.

11/18/11 (SCOTLAND) Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Limited (SWIP) Private Equity Fund, wish to announce the resignation of John Brett from the Board of Directors of the Company, for business reasons.

11/21/11 (JAPAN) UBS’s Japan Investment Banking Chairman Matsui to Resign

11/23/12 (USA SC & NC) Bank of the Carolinas, CFO Eric Rhodes resigns for personal reasons. Bank of the Carolinas was delisted from the NASDAQ on 3/9/12

11/28/11 (LATVIA) Latvia’s chief banking regulator, Irena Krumane, said she resigned today, a week after the state took over Latvijas Krajbanka AS (LKB1R), the Baltic News Service reported. The bank regulator suspended operations at Krajbanka, a subsidiary of Lithuania’s Bankas Snoras AB, on Nov. 21 and said around 100 million lati ($191.8 million) was missing. The Lithuanian government seized Snoras on Nov. 16 saying assets reported on the lender’s balance sheet were missing.

11/29/11 (NORWAY) Carnegie ASA’s co-head of investment banking in Norway, Cato Holmsen, has resigned

11/29/11 (USA) R. David Land Submits Resignation from the Boards of Directors of Peoples Bancorp. and Seneca National Bank

11/30/11 (LITHUANIA) Lithuania Central Bank, Governor Vitas Vasiliauskas fired Kazimieras Ramonas, head of the banking supervision department, after seizing Bankas Snoras AB, the country’s third-biggest deposit bank.

12/01/11 (SRI LANKA) Sri Lanka’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) head Indrani Sugathadasa resigned.

12/02/11 (PAKISTAN) NIB Bank, Singapore forced resignation of CEO Khawaja Iqbal Hassan, for mismanagement

12/03/11 (USA SC) South Carolina’s $25 billion pension fund chief investor Robert Borden resigned. Borden’s resignation comes as the SC Retirement System faces a $13 billion deficit, prompting state lawmakers to call for a massive overhaul of the system.

12/05/11 (BERMUDA) HSBC Bermuda Ltd, CEO Philip Butterfield retires

12/05/11 (BERMUDA) HSBC Bermuda Ltd, chairman of the board and director John Campbell resigns

12/06/11 (USA ) Western Liberty Bancorp CFO George Rosenbaum has resigned.

12/08/11 (INDIA) Nomura’s co-head of equity-linked solutions Neeraj Hora, resigns

12/08/11 (USA) Fidelity Global Special Situations Fund, manager Jorma Korhonen resigned.

12/14/11 (MAURITIUS) African Alliance Africa Pioneer Fund I (the „Fund”), Portfolio Manager Paul David Austin Clark resigned

12/14/11 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs global head Milton R. Berlinski retiring at the end of the year

12/15/11 (UK) Coutts [private bank] Senior private banker James Fleming resigns

12/19/11 (CANADA) Holloway Lodging Real Estate Investment Trust (a REIT) CEO Glenn Squires has resigned

12/19/11 (DENMARK) Danske Bank Eivind Kolding has resigned as Chairman of the Board of Directors and from the three board committees on which he served, He continues as member of Danske Bank’s Board of Directors until he assumes the position of Chairman of the Executive Board on 15 February 2012. On the same day, at the latest, Eivind Kolding will resign from the A.P. Moller-Maersk Group.

12/19/11 (DENMARK) Danske Bank Peter Straarup, who will retire February 15

12/19/11 (JAPAN) Citibank Japan CEO, Darren Buckley, resigns after Citibank was punished by regulators for the third time in seven years.

12/20/11 (UK) Prudential (UK) Chairman Harvey McGrath has informed the Board of his intention to retire from the Board in 2012 once a successor has been found.

12/20/11 (USA MA) Century Bancorp, Inc., Director Roger S. Berkowitz resigned.

12/21/11 (USA MN) Voyager Bank, fired CEO trade accusations, New details have emerged in Voyager Bank’s firing of its CEO in a court filing that accuses him of defrauding the bank of $15 million. The former CEO, Timothy Owens, has sued the bank for wrongful termination and accused the bank of defaming him.

12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Board Member Claire Gargalli quits

12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Board Member Leslie Disharoon quits

12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Board Member Neal Kassell quits

12/23/11 (USA VA) Virginia National Bank (VNB) Chairman Mark Giles quits

12/23/11 (USA) Third Avenue Value Fund, co-manager Marty Whitman is leaving.

1/01/12 (ISRAEL) Israel’s Bank Leumi CEO Galia Maor steps down after 16 years

1/01/12 (NIGERIA) United Bank for Africa Plc Victor Osadolor resigns

1/03/12 (UK) Arbuthnot Banking Group: Atholl Turrell left the Board.

1/03/12 (UK) Arbuthnot Banking Group: Neil Kirton resigned from the Board

1/03/12 (USA VA) Suffolk Bancorp president and CEO J. Gordon Huszagh steps down

1/03/12 (USA WI) Michael Falbo, president and CEO of Southport Bank, has resigned just six months after accepting the position.

1/05/12 (UK) Saunderson House [Private Bank] CEO Nick Fletcher steps down

1/05/12 (USA NY) Blackstone/GSO Senior Floating Rate Term Fund and Blackstone/GSO Long-Short Credit Income Fund announced that John R. O’Neill has resigned.

1/07/12 (UK) Arab Banking Corporation Intl. Bank (ABCIB) Manama, Bahrain: ABCIB announced retirement of CEO Nofal Barbar from its London office.

1/09/12 (SWITZERLAND) Temenos Group AG, provider of core banking software announced the resignation of Mark Austen as a member of the Board of Directors.

1/09/12 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Chairman Philipp Hildebrand resigns

1/09/12 (USA NY) Morgan Stanley Chief Legal Officer Frank Barron retires.

1/09/12 (USA WASHINGTON DC) Whitehouse former banker and Chief of Staff William M. Daley resigned

1/11/12 (KAZAKHSTAN) BTA Bank, CEO Marat Zairov resigns for health reasons.

1/11/12 (SWITZERLAND) La Banque Privée Edmond de Rothschild, CEO Claude Messulam resigns, replaced by Christophe de Backer, Claude Messulam to become a director of the bank holding company.

1/12/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs, Co-Head Securities Trading David B. Heller retires

1/12/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs, Co-Head Securities Trading Edward K. Eisler retires

1/13/12 (IRELAND) National Asset Management Agency, head of lending Graham Emmett is resigning

1/17/12 (CANADA) Cumberland Private Wealth Management CIO John Wilson quit to join another money manager.

1/17/12 (HONG KONG) Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited (OCBC Bank) CEO David Conner retires.

1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Ali Yousef Al Awwadhy resigned.

1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Miss Anoud Fadhel Al Hathran resigned.

1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Badr Suliman Al Ahmed resigned.

1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Majed Ali Oweid Awadh resigned.

1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Salem Ali Hassan Al Ali resigned.

1/17/12 (KUWAIT) Commercial Bank of Kuwait S.A.K. Board Member Mr. Tarek Farid Al Othman resigned.

1/17/12 (UK) Morgan Stanley Intl, chairman Walid Chammah is retiring. An inside source speculated that it could mean that the company had suffered exposure to European sovereign debt woes under Chammah’s purview.

1/18/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs co-head of its investment management division Ed Forst resigns.

1/18/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs co-heads of Goldman’s securities business David Heller resigns.

1/18/12 (USA) Goldman Sachs co-heads of Goldman’s securities business Edward Eisler resigns.

1/19/12 (EGYPT) Beltone Financial Holding (BTFH) Alaa’ Sabaa resigned from board of directors.

1/19/12 (EGYPT) Beltone Financial Holding (BTFH) Wael EL Mahgary resigned from board of directors.

1/19/12 (UK) Santander, senior director Americas division Francisco Luzón is retiring with a pension pot of about €56m, a package whose generous size is expected to reignite controversy over bankers’ remuneration.

1/20/12 (JAPAN) Normura’s head of wholesale banking Jasjit Bhattai quits

1/20/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) First National Bank’s sharia banking division is in a state of flux after it was hit by a corporate governance scandal in which its chief executive, Ebi Patel, was put on „special leave” for almost a month while an internal probe was conducted. Patel has been reinstated, but is facing disciplinary action. Islamic finance forbids the payment and receipt of interest (riba), and investment in some industries. Sharia law states that interest-bearing transactions result in economic ills such as unemployment and high inflation. Trading in derivatives and speculative investment are also forbidden. Sharia law requires all transactions to be backed by tangible assets.

1/20/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) South African deputy economic development minister Enoch Godongwana quit his post this week in the face of growing outrage in government circles about his involvement in a company that allegedly defrauded clothing factory workers of R100-million of their pension fund money.

1/20/12 (USA NY) JPMorgan Chase, Mortgage Banking Default organization head Scott Powell has decided to leave the bank.

1/20/12 (USA) TIAA-CREF executive vice president and president of Asset Management, Scott C. Evans resigned

1/21/12 (GREECE) Institute of International Finance negotiator Charles Dallara quits

1/21/12 (GREECE) Institute of International Finance negotiator Jean Lemierre quits

1/21/12 (SINGAPORE) ANZ Asia’s private banking head Nina Aguas resigns as managing director of Asia-Pacific private banking.

1/21/12 (UK) Butterfield Private Bank head Danny Dixon Steps Down

1/21/12 (USA CA) Nara Bancorp (Now called BBCN) President and CEO Min Kim Resigns

1/22/12 (KENYA) National Bank of Kenya’s (NBK) managing director, Mr Reuben Marambii, will resign before year end.

1/24/12 (IRELAND) Deutsche International Corporate Services Limited fund, Paul Shevlin resigned as a director

1/24/12 (SWITZERLAND) Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Dr. Michel Kazatchkine, a French clinical immunologist and head of the $22.6 billion fund has abruptly resigned, since revelations about corruption and misspending severely rattled some of its biggest donors. The resignation came on the eve of the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, which played a role in its creation a decade ago. A dinner for the public-private fund is planned Thursday with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and major backers Bill Gates and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The shakeup resulted from an internal review to address problems highlighted in Associated Press stories last year about the loss of tens of millions of dollars in grant money because of mismanagement and alleged fraud. Its biggest private donor is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has pledged $1.15 billion and provided it with $650 million so far.

1/25/12 (UK) SOFIA PROPERTY FUND LIMITED, Gerry Williams has resigned as a Director, following his resignation from Ardel Holdings Limited („Ardel”) where he was CEO. Ardel is the holding company of Ardel Fund Services Limited which provides administration services in Guernsey to the Company.

1/25/12 (USA NY) Fortress Private Equity, CEO Daniel Madrid (aka Daniel Mudd) has resigned. Madrid was forced to leave in order to deal with SEC allegations. Prior to joining Fortress, Madrid served as Fannie Mae CEO and was forced to resign. SEC sued Madrid and former Freddie Mac CEO Richard West Long (aka Richard Syron) for hiding hundreds of billions of dollars in subprime loans. Madrid denied the SEC allegations saying the US govt. and investors were informed of Fannie Mae’s loan data.

1/27/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA Group CEO Daphne Motsepe retires at the end of April after a 10-year career at the bank.

1/27/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA Group chief marketing and communication officer Happy Ntshingila, will be taking up an „exciting position” outside banking

1/27/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA Group COO Alfie Naidoo would be leaving to pursue personal interests

1/29/12 (NEW ZEALAND) New Zealand Reserve Bank Gov Alan Bollard to Step Down

1/29/12 (PORTUGAL) Banco Santander Totta SA executive chairman Nuno Manuel da Silva Amado has resigned

1/29/12 (UAE) NBD, Emirates ‘s investment banking division CEO Suresh Kumar is leaving the bank

1/30/12 (UK) British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (BVCA) COO Andrew Graham steps down

1/31/12 (SCOTLAND) Royal Bank of Scotland former CEO Fred Goodwin Stripped of Knighthood

2/01/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) ABSA [barclay's Bank] deputy CEO Louis von Zeuner resigns

2/01/12 (SYRIA) Arab Bank Syria Board member Basma Talal Zein resigns.

2/01/12 (UK) Lloyds Bankging Group head of wholesaleTruett Tate quits

2/01/12 (UK) Llyods Banking Group Tim Tookey leaving end of February

2/02/12 (USA) American Perspective Bank, President and CEO Thomas J. Beene resigned.

2/02/12 (USA) NIR Group hedge funds, Corey Ribotsky was forced out of NIR by Pricewaterhouse-Coopers, the court-appointed liquidator, following allegations of fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission. In September, the SEC sued Ribotsky and NIR for taking more than $1 million of investors’ money to buy cars and watches.

2/02/12 (VENEZUELA) Banking Crisis Arne Chacon arrested for Banking Corruption

2/03/12 (UK) UBS London trader, Kweku M. Adoboli, was arrested and charged with fraud and false accounting, forcing UBS to announce a $2.3 billion trading loss.

2/03/12 (UK) VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund Ltd, Non-Executive Director Horst Geicke has resigned.

2/05/12 (USA – NY) Morgan Stanley investment banking Tarek Abdel-Meguid quit

2/05/12 (USA – NY) Morgan’s investment banking chairman Joseph Perella quit

2/06/12 (INDIA) Dhanlaxmi Bank CEO Amitabh Chaturvedi quits:

2/06/12 (USA NY) TD Ameritrade, head of retail distribution John Bunch resigns. Bunch is leaving to take the top job at a small investment advisory firmin Kansas City.

2/07/12 (INDIA) Kotak Mahindra Bank Falguni Nayar quits

2/07/12 (IRAN) Iran denies central bank resignation rumor (don’t believe until its denied?)

2/07/12 (USA) Bank Of America’s Mortgage Business Chief Barbara Desoer Retires

2/08/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Standard Bank Group Ltd – Resignation of Group Secretary Loren Wulfsohn

2/08/12 (UAE) Emirates NBD makes top-level changes Bank’s deputy chief executive officer Abdul Wahed Al Fahim has resigned.

2/08/12 (USA OH) Cleveland International Fund (CIF) private equity fund, A. Eddy Zai launched and led the Cleveland International Fund, an investment outfit that pairs wealthy foreign investors hoping for U.S. residency with job-creating projects. Zai resigned from his job this week, before being indicted in a bank-fraud scheme that, according to investigators, contributed to the collapse of a credit union in Eastlake.

2/09/12 (UK) Alliance Trust Savings (ATS), Robert Burgess is stepping down as CEO.

2/09/12 (UK) JP Morgan Chinese Investment Trust PLC, non-executive Director Madam Yujiang Zhao resigned

2/09/12 (UKRAINE) National Bank of Ukraine deputy governor Volodymyr Krotiuk quits

2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka „Vatican Bank”), 49 year old Father Don Salvatore Palumbo of the socially popular parish of San Gaetano

2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka „Vatican Bank”), 37 year old Father Horace Bonaccorsi of Catania, already tried and acquitted in Sicily for money laundering offenses recycling money through accounts at IOR

2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka „Vatican Bank”), 62 year old Monsignor Emilio Messina, the Archdiocese of Camerino-San Severino Marche investigated on money laundering by Italian officials.

2/09/12 (VATICAN) Institute for Religious Works (IOR aka „Vatican Bank”), 85 year old Father Don Evaldo Biasini of Rome. Father Don Evaldo Biasini is known as the „Don of Cash”.

2/10/12 (INDIA) Tamilnad Mercantile Bank CEO A K Jagannathan resigns

2/10/12 (KOREA) Korea Exchange Bank chief Larry Klane steps down

2/13/12 (KUWAIT) Kuwait Central Bank CEO Sheikh Salem Abdulaziz Al Sabbah resigns

2/13/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs confirmed on Monday that George N. Mattson, one of the firm’s top deal makers in the industrial sector, will retire. He was a senior relationship banker with a client list that included General Motors, General Electric and Caterpillar.

2/14/12 (NICARAQUA) Nicaraqua Central Bank President Antenor Rosales resigns

2/14/12 (PAKISTAN) National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) chairman Syed Ali Raza resigned

2/14/12 (UK) Social finance pioneer Malcolm Hayday quits Charity Bank

2/14/12 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs Jeffrey Moslow resigns, an investment banker to companies such as Tyco International Ltd, Nstar, the Boston-based utility, and defense contractor Dyncorp International Inc.

2/15/12 (CHINA) Morgan non-executive chairman Stanley Stephen Roach will be retiring.

2/15/12 (SLOVENIA) Nova Kreditna Banka Maribor CEO Andrej Plos resigns

2/15/12 (SLOVENIA) Nova Ljubljanska Banka d.d. CEO Bozo Jasovic resigns

2/15/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) HPA – Hospitality Property Fund Limited, chairman Frank Berkeley resigned.

2/15/12 (USA) Boston Properties (REIT), Executive VP and COO E. Mitchell Norvilleto resigned

2/15/12 (WORLD) World Bank CEO Zoellick resigns

2/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) ANZ Bank Australia CFO Peter Marriott resigns

2/16/12 (AUSTRALIA) Royal Bank of Scotland Austraila CEO Stephen Williams resigns

2/16/12 (GHANA) Databank Group Executive Chair Ken Ofori-Atta steps down

2/16/12 (SAUDI ARABIA) Saudi Hollandi Banks Managing Director Geoffrey Calvert Quits

2/16/12 (UK) Marex Spectron senior trader Michael Elsom Arrested

2/16/12 (UK) Royal Bank of Scotland director equities bus. Vincent Walsh director Arrested

2/16/12 (UK) Royal Bank of Scotland Sr Equities Trader Jason Edinburgh Arrested

2/16/12 (UK) The Financial Services Authority Margaret Cole is to step down

2/16/12 (USA IL) Deerfield Capital Management LLC, CEO Daniel Hattori and CEO of CIFC Corp resigned.

2/16/12 (USA IL) Deerfield Capital Management LLC, COO Luke Knecht and CEO of CIFC Corp, resigned both positions.

2/17/12 (BULGARIA) Bulgaria National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), The managing director Neli Nesheva, resigned after a two-day row about end-of-year bonuses paid by NHIF to its employees.

2/17/12 (PAKISTAN) PICIC Asset Management Company Limited CFO Ahmed Raza resigns

2/17/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Coronation Fund Managers CEO Hugo Nelson is stepping down at age of 40.

2/17/12 (SWITZERLAND) SNB Council President Hansueli Raggenbass resigns

2/17/12 (UK) Insight Investment, asset manager Mike Pinggera has resigned..

2/17/12 (USA NY) Harbinger Group Inc. CFO Francis T. McCarron has advised the Company of his resignation effective April 30

2/17/12 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein out as by summer

2/18/12 (PAKISTAN) The Bank of Azad Jammu and Kashmir executive Zulfiqar Abbasi resigns

2/19/12 (MALTA) Bank of Valletta, director of the Multi-Manager Fund John C. Ripard, has resigned being reprimanded by the MFSA for disposing of his holdings in the Fund whilst in possession of sensitive information which was not available to the public.

2/20/12 (ISRAEL) Bank Leumi le-Israel Ltd: Zvi Itskovitch resigns

2/20/12 (RUSSIA) Head of Russian Bank Regulator Gennady Melikyan Steps Down

2/20/12 (SWITZERLAND) Credit Suisse Chief Joseph Tan resigns

2/20/12 (USA WA) First Financial Northwest Director Spencer Schneider Quits

2/21/12 (ARGENTINA) Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA) Gen Mgr Benigno Velez, resigns

2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) City General Insurance Co. Ltd director Geasuddin Ahmad resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank

2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Abdul Matlub resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank

2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Abdul Musabbir Ahmad resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank

2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Nitol Insurance Co. Ltd director Selima Ahmad resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank

2/21/12 (BANGLADESH) Social Islami Bank Limited director Taslima Akter resigns conflict of interest with director seat on unknown bank

2/21/12 (JAPAN) CITIBANK JAPAN: Bakhshi is taking over duties from Brian Mccappin, who the bank said in December would resign after the unit was banned for two weeks from trading tied to the London and Tokyo interbank offered rates.

2/22/12 (HONG KONG) DZ BANK project finance head Tim Meaney quits

2/22/12 (SINGAPORE) Macquarie International Infrastructure Fund’s CEO John Stuart to resign

2/22/12 (UK) UBS AG’s (UBSN) Doug McCutcheon, head of Healthcare Banking in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific region, has left Switzerland’s biggest bank after 25 years at the firm.

2/22/12 (USA NY) Goldman Sachs Hedge Fund Group Chief Howard Wietschner to Retire

2/23/12 (SCOTLAND) Royal Bank of Scotland Group director John McFarlane resigns.

2/23/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) Richard Gush resigns from Standard Bank

2/23/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs Nordic M&A banker Luca Ferrari has decided to retire from the firm, clients included the largest telecommunications operator in Spain the Spanish telecommunications.

2/24/12 (GUERNSEY) Spearpoint Limited (SPL) Investment Funds, director Mike Kirby resigns for business reasons.

2/24/12 (HONG KONG) Citigroup Pvt Bank Global Real Estate Kwang Meng Quek Resigns

2/24/12 (INDIA) Breaking: ICICI Bank GC Pramod Rao resigns

2/24/12 (NEW ZEALAND) FSF Executive Director Kirk Hope resigns

2/24/12 (USA NY) Evercore Partners Head Eduardo Mestre steps down

2/25/12 (AUSTRALIA AND NZ) Goldman Sachs Chairman Stephen Fitzgerald quits

2/25/12 (DENMARK) European Investment Bank (EIB), Mr Sigmund Lubanski, of the Kingdom of Denmark tendered his resignation.

2/27/12 (BAHRAIN) - Mumtalakat Holding [sovereign Wealth Fund] CEO Al Zain resigns

2/27/12 (BAHRAIN) Khaleeji Commercial Bank CEO Ebrahim Ebrahim quits

2/27/12 (FRANCE) Societe Generale’s Investment Banking Chief Michel Péretié Steps Down

2/27/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank Americas chief Seth Waugh steps down

2/27/12 (GERMANY) Equiduct chairman Artur Fischer steps down

2/27/12 (IRAN) Bank Melli CEO Mahmoud Reza Khaavari Resigns - Flees to Canada!

2/27/12 (IRAN) Bank Saderat CEO Mohammad Jahromi resigns

2/27/12 (MALAYSIA) Elaf Bank CEO Dr El Jaroudi resigns

2/27/12 (SINGAPORE) Standard Chartered Bank, global head of repo and collateralised financing Tanweer Khan resigned.

2/27/12 (UK) Lloyds Banking Group Glen Moreno steps down

2/28/12 (AUSTRALIA) Bank manager Colin John Carleton jailed nine years for $3m theft

2/28/12 (BELGIUM) KBC’s CEO Jan Vanhevel is to retire after a career spanning 41 years.

2/28/12 (CANADA) Ontario Securities Commission chairwoman Peggy-Anne Brown quits

2/28/12 (CHINA) Bank of China International ECM global head Marshall Nicholson quits

2/28/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America’s Asia-Pac. mrkts Brian Canniffe quits

2/28/12 (HONG KONG) Hang Seng Bank CEO Margaret Leung Ko May-yee quits

2/28/12 (IRELAND) State Street Global Advisors Cash Funds plc Director Keith Walsh resigns

2/28/12 (ITALY) UNICREDIT: Chairman Dieter Rampl not available for a new mandate

2/28/12 (SINGAPORE) DBS security head Jim Pasqurell quits, cites health reasons

2/28/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) REDEFINE INCOME FUND director Gerald Leissner resigns

2/28/12 (SRI LANKA) Sri Lanka Com Bank CEO Amitha Gooneratne retires

2/28/12 (UK) Bank of England Sir David Lees re-appointed Chair of Bank of England and gives notice of resignation at end of 2013

2/29/12 (AUSTRALIA) Perpetual portfolio manager Matt Williams steps down

2/29/12 (GUYANA) National Investment and Commercial Investments Ltd. (NICIL), Executive Director Winston Brassington resigns, “We feel that (Winston) Brassington knows everything…A to Z about all the transactions,” said Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, as he sounded a warning that controversial figure could be subpoenaed to appear before the Parliamentary Economic Sector Committee.

2/29/12 (UK) Honister Capital CEO Richard Pearson steps down

3/01/12 (ICELAND) Iceland’s Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) fired its director Gunnar Andersen

3/01/12 (ITALY) Italian Banking Association Chairman Giuseppe Mussari talks to reporters in Rome after he and seven other executives offered to resign in protest over new banking-fee rules included in the government’s legislation on boosting competition.

3/01/12 (MALAYSIA) RHB Bank Bhd deputy managing director Renzo Viegas quits

3/01/12 (SINGAPORE) UBS Singapore – James Tulley is leaving Switzerland’s largest bank, it is not clear where he is going.

3/01/12 (USA FL) Florida Venture Forum [Venture Capital] Exec Dir Robin Lester quits

3/01/12 (USA NH) Piscataqua Savings Bank CEO Jay Gibson retires

3/01/12 (USA NY) PineBridge Investments said Win Neuger has resigned as chief executive. Neuger helped build AIG’s third party asset management business, PineBridge still manages AIG assets

3/01/12 (USA OR) Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund (OPERF) senior RE officer Brad Child will retire

3/02/12 (BOTSWANA) Barclays Bank Botswana managing director Wilfred Mpai forced to resign

3/02/12 (CHINA) China Construction Bank Corp, assistant general manager and head of corporate banking Mickey Mehta quits

3/02/12 (HONG KONG) New Century Group Hong Kong Ltd [investment house and leisure group] Wilson Ng resigns

3/02/12 (UK) Bank of England Sir Mervin King resigns in June, Lord Sassoon tipped as replacement.

3/02/12 (USA NY) Citigroup Richard Parsons to step down as chairman

3/02/12 (USA NY) Deutsche Bank Student Loan CEOJohn Hupalo quits to start student loan counseling firm.

3/03/12 (AUSTRIA) Volksbank AG (VBAG) The contract of CEO Gerald Wenzel will not be extended

3/03/12 (ETHIOPIA) Dashen Bank’s board dismisses president Leulseged Teferi

3/03/12 (RUSSIA) Enza Capital KK, Wealthy British banker Philip Townsend (Baron Townsend of Rathmore) and his wife killed at Estonia holiday home ⑆44541444⑈

3/04/12 (KOREA) Hana Financial Group Inc, prominent figure in the history of South Korean finance Kim Seung-yu , resigns

3/04/12 (USA NY) JP Morgan prop trading chief Mike Stewart quits

3/05/12 (NEW ZEALAND) Insured Group Bill Jeffries has resigned as chairman and director

3/05/12 (SAUDI ARABIA) Al Rajhi Bank CEO Abdullah bin Sulaiman Al Rajhi has resigned

3/05/12 (UK) Jupiter fund co-manager John Hamilton steps down

3/05/12 (USA) Reliance Bancshares chairman Patrick Gideon resigned

3/06/12 (FRANCE) Blackstone Group’s Paris office leader Jean-Michel Steg will step down

3/06/12 (JAMAICA) Jamaica Money Market Brokers Limited, Patricia Sutherland has resigned as Executive Director

3/06/12 (JAMAICA) Jamaica’s Financial Services Commission (FSC), Executive director Rohan Barnett, has resigned the position, the Ministry of Finance, Planning and the Public Service announced this afternoon.

3/06/12 (UK) Aberdeen Asset Management, non-executive director Gerhard Fusenig has resigned from the board.

3/06/12 (UK) Sterling Green Group has announced that Philip Kanas, a non-executive director, has decided to resign

3/06/12 (USA PA) USA Technologies Inc Bradley M. Tirpak, a nominee of Shareholder Advocates for Value Enhancement,has resigned from its board subsequent to a settlement agreement with the investing group, according to an SEC filing. Provides a network of wireless non-cash transactions, associated financial/network services and energy management. It provides networked credit card and other non-cash systems in the vending, commercial laundry, hospitality and digital imaging industries.

3/07/12 (AUSTRALIA) Customers Ltd, Tim Wildash has cashed himself out as chief executive of Australia’s largest ATM operator

3/07/12 (FRANCE) Société Générale Private Banking, Daniel Truchi is to step down as head of Société Générale Private Banking

3/07/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank AG’s (DB) Chief Operating Officer Hermann-Josef Lamberti to resign

3/07/12 (GERMANY) Deutsche Bank AG’s (DB) Chief Risk Officer Hugo Baenzigeri to resign


3/07/12 (HONG KONG) UBS Senior Asia Economist Jonathan Anderson Departs

3/07/12 (SCOTLAND) Macfarlane Group Chairman Archie Hunter to step down after 8 years of service

3/07/12 (SINGAPORE) Nikko Asset Management Timothy McCarthy is retiring as chairman and CEO at the end of the month

3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) Christopher French resigns from board

3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) co-head of global mergers and acquisitions Yoel Zaoui resigns

3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) David Wildermuth resigns from board

3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) Matthew Westerman resigns from board

3/07/12 (UK) Goldman Sachs (GSI) Phil Beatty resigned as head of European power and natural-gas trading

3/07/12 (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) Dubai Mercantile Exchange announced Thomas Leaver will step down as CEO

3/07/12 (USA CA) CALSTRS, Pascal Villiger, senior private equity portfolio manager at the $145 billion California State Teachers’ Retirement System resigns

3/07/12 (USA) Astaire quits Bank of America Merrill to dance to Barclays Capital’s tune

3/07/12 (USA) BlackRock Emerging Markets Fund co-head Daniel Tubbs, has left the group to pursue other opportunities.

3/08/12 (GERMANY) Clearstream Banking AG – Katja Rosenkranz To Leave Deutsche Börse Group [stockmarket]

3/08/12 (ISRAEL) Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer will hand in his shock resignation in the coming days and take up a new position as head of the Bank of Zambia. Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz is believed to be furious with Fischer’s decision. Treasury officials said he even canceled his participation in the office’s annual Purim party in order to convince Fischer to reverse his decision.

3/08/12 (UK) B&CE CEO Brian Griffiths is to retire later this year

3/08/12 (UK) Invesco Trimark Ltd, portfolio manager Dana Love has resigned.

3/08/12 (USA IL) CBOE Executive Patrick Fay Put on Leave Amid SEC Probe

3/08/12 (USA NH & RI) Bristol County Savings Bank president E. Dennis Kelly retires after 35 years

3/08/12 (USA NY) Schroders, CIO Alan Brown is steps down

3/09/12 (AUSTRALIA) Bank of Queensland CFO Ram Kangatharan plans to leave the bank.

3/09/12 (Côte d’Ivoire) Banque Central des Etats d’Afrique de l’Ouest (BCEAO) The Ivorian governor of the multi-billion dollar West Africa Francophone bank, Philippe-Henry Dacoury-Tabley, resigned his post.

3/09/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Jimmy Choi, who was in charge of high-yield debt, resigned.

3/09/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America Merrill Lynch, K.J. Kim, responsible for Southeast Asia, resigned

3/09/12 (HONG KONG) Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Leonard Ng, a vice-president in Hong Kong resigned.

3/09/12 (MONGOLIA) Asia Pacific Securities, General Manager Narantuguldur Saijrakh recently resigned, to focus on his role as Director of Khan Investment Management, investment advisor to the Khan Mongolia Equity Fund – the first open-ended investment vehicle with monthly dealing that invests in Mongolia related equities listed both domestically and internationally.

3/09/12 (MONGOLIA) Mongol Bank President Alag Batsukh submitted his resignation letter to Speaker of Parliament D. Demberel at the end of last month. He described his reason for resigning as a lack of support by Parliament.

3/09/12 (UK) Deutsche Bank PWM, head of discretionary management, Kypros Charalambous, having also stepped down.

3/09/12 (UK) Deutsche Bank PWM, UK head of portfolio management Martyn Surguy resigned.

3/09/12 (UK) Lazard , co-head of investment banking Alexis de Rosnay quits. De Rosnay specialises in the healthcare sector, he has advised Teva Pharmaceutical and Novartis.

3/09/12 (USA) Cerberus Capital Management LP, CEO Robert Nardelli resigns.

3/10/12 (AUSTRALIA) WESTPAC, Rob Chapman opted to quit running its regional subsidiary St George Bank.

3/10/12 (CHINA) Korea Development Bank, Shanghai unit senior manager Stella Wen resigned.

3/10/12 (HONG KONG) Deutsche Bank, Johan Sudiman resigns as director.

3/10/12 (TURKEY) Garanti Bank, The deputy CEO of Turkish lender Tolga Egemen, has decided to quit.

3/12/12 (KUWAIT) Gulf Bank, Chairman Ali Rashaid Al Bader quits

3/12/12 (SOUTH AFRICA) The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), CEO Paul Baloyi resigns.

3/12/12 (UK and IRELAND) Allfunds Bank, head of UK and Ireland Alan Gadd is stepping down from his role at the end of April.

3/12/12 (UK) SVG Capital, chairman Nicholas Ferguson resigns. His departure left him well placed to succeed James Murdoch as chairman of BSkyB should the latter bow to investor pressure and step down. Other investors in the satellite broadcaster suggested Ferguson might be seen as too close to Murdoch to win the support of institutional shareholders.

3/12/12 (USA CA) California’s Department of Financial Institutions, commissioner William Haraf resigned. The DFI did not say why he is leaving.

3/12/12 (USA IL) CME Group Inc, CEO Craig Donohues will step down at year end.

3/12/12 (USA) ICAP, CEO of the electronic broking business David Rutter step down following a restructuring of the business.

3/12/12 (USA) John Lewis Partnership Pension Trust, head of investments Andrew Chapman, resigns

3/12/12 (USA) Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc, CEO Bryan Marsal Resigns Title, Remains on as Adviser

3/5/12 (UK) Jupiter fund co-manager Tony Nutt steps down

Za American Kabuki przytaczam też anglojęzyczną legendę do opisów stanowisk i skrótów użytych w powyższym tekście:

CEO = Chief Executive Officer, CFO = Chief Financial Officer, CIO = Chief Investment Officer, COO = Chief Operating Officer

INC = Incorporated (can be private held or publically traded shares)

PLC = Public Limited Company (publicly traded shares can be listed or unlisted on stock market)

LTD = Limited Company (privately held)

LLC = American version of LTD, but can have a shareholder/member that is an INC, often hybrids of both

AG = German version of PLC

AB = Swedish version of PLC

SA = Society Anonymous in various latin languages – same as PLC

NV = Dutch version of PLC

BV = Dutch version of LTD

LP = Limited Partners (partnership with limited liability)

REIT = Real Estate Investment Trust

PIERWSZY POST Z 29 lutego 2012


Szokującą listę opublikował jeden z amerykańskich blogów – listę rezygnacji przedstawicieli wysokiego managementu bankowego w ciągu ostatnich kilku miesięcy. Na tej liście – na koniec lutego 2012 – jest 101 pozycji.

Pierwszych 14 pozycji dotyczy roku 2011 – od września do grudnia 2011. Pozostałe 87 pozycji to rezygnacje złożone już w bieżącym roku. Z czego 73 rezygnacje miały miejsce w lutym 2012. Jak tak dalej pójdzie, to za miesiąc banki padną bynajmniej nie z powodu oszustwa systemu bankowego, tylko z powodu braku kadry zarządzającej!

Lista jest szokująca. Każda pozycja podaje datę rezygnacji, nazwisko i stanowisko osoby rezygnującej. Przy każdej pozycji jest też skrócony link do informacji źródłowej.

Jak pisze autor blogu – informacje te zweryfikował dokładnie. Niektóre linki mogą co prawda nie działać – jak to z linkami do wiadomości, które nie koniecznie są powodem do chwały The Power That Was – odchodzącego reżimu bankowego. Niemniej większość linków działa – przynajmniej w chwili publikacji niniejszego postu.

Na liście są banki i fundusze inwestycyjne z całego świata – USA, Europa, Chiny, Afryka, Indie.

CZY TO ZAPOWIADA ROZPAD SYSTEMU BANKOWEGO OD ŚRODKA? Zapewne część rezygnujących po prostu ucieka z tonącego okrętu. Ale wierzę, że część tych bankowców, to ludzie, kórzy po prostu nie mieli świadomości, w czym biorą udział. I zrozumiawszy to… uznali, że nie chcą tego dalej wspierać. Czyli wybrali Nowy Świat. Ciekawe, co?

Link do bloga, którego autor aktualizuję tę szokująca listę

Ukryta Zawartość

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nie wiem czy to prawda czy nie bo nie chce mi sie tego weryfikowac, ale nawet gdyby jakims cudem byla to prawda to kolejni przestepcy chetni wladzy i kasy szybko sie znajda na ich miejsce taka natura ludzka i dlatego ciezko cos zrobic

Ukryta Zawartość

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Ukryta Zawartość

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chwilowy brak działalności w audio.

nie wiem czy to prawda czy nie bo nie chce mi sie tego weryfikowac, ale nawet gdyby jakims cudem byla to prawda to kolejni przestepcy chetni wladzy i kasy szybko sie znajda na ich miejsce taka natura ludzka i dlatego ciezko cos zrobic


Mogę cię zapewnić, te zaplanowane starannie zmiany nie wypadły sroce z pod ogona.

Polecam zapoznanie się z artykułem.

Pieniądz bez pokrycia niedługo nas wszystkich zabije


Ukryta Zawartość

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Jak USA stworzylo kryzys - Prezes FED nie wie gdzie sie podzialo 500 miliardow



Ukryta Zawartość

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Polecam zapoznanie się z artykułem.

Pieniądz bez pokrycia niedługo nas wszystkich zabije


Ukryta Zawartość

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Jak USA stworzylo kryzys - Prezes FED nie wie gdzie sie podzialo 500 miliardow



Ukryta Zawartość

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dobry jest :)

Ukryta Zawartość

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Ukryta Zawartość

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Focal + Naim

sprawdzilem pozycje 123- samobojstwo,167- wylecial z okna,348- poderzniete gardlo.To mało?????.........Z tego co powiedziano tyle samo w euro u amerykanow.Bilans jest zerowy finansowo ale prawnie w ameryce, nie.

A ja mam następujące wątpliwości:


!.Na jakiej podstawie prawnej odbędą się te aresztowania?

2.Kto jest autorem tego cudownego planu?

3.arton napisał,że są ludzie którzy chcą odwrócić bieg historii.Czy można odwrócić bieg historii?


(Konto usunięte)

Wszystko w swoim czasie. Nie wszystko można od razu ujawnić. Moim zdaniem liczy się głównie jakość i skuteczność tego planu, czyż nie?


Zamach stanu: Pentagon i Obama stwierdzają, że Kongres ma charakter ceremonialny.

Paul Joseph Watson,





.Zeznania sekretarza obrony Leona Panetty w których stwierdził, że ONZ i NATO mają nadrzędną władzę nad działaniem wojsk Stanów Zjednoczonych, które to słowa skutecznie określiły kongres jako ceremonialną relikwię, skłoniły kongresmana Waltera Jonesa by wprowadzić rezolucję, która ponownie określa takie zachowanie jako "przestępstwo stawiające w stan oskarżenia" na mocy Konstytucji.



Podczas przesłuchań senackiej Komisji Sił Zbrojnych, Panetta i generał połączonych sztabów Martin Dempsey bezczelnie przyznali, że ich upoważnienie do działania pochodzi nie z Konstytucji USA, ale że Stany Zjednoczone są podporządkowane i dostają rozkazy z ONZ i NATO, międzynarodowych organizacji, na które Amerykanie nie mają demokratycznego wpływu.


Panetta został zapytany przez senatora Jeffa Sessiona "Spędzamy nasz czas martwiąc się o ONZ, Ligę Arabską, NATO, a moim zdaniem zbyt mało czasu, o wybranych Reprezentantów Stanów Zjednoczonych. Czy w dalszych działaniach, będzie się Pan konsultował z Kongresem Stanów Zjednoczonych?"


Sekretarz Obrony odpowiedział: "Pan wie, naszym celem byłoby szukanie międzynarodowego zezwolenia. I przyjdziemy do Kongresu by go poinformować w jaki sposób najlepiej podjąć ten problem bez względu na to czy będziemy chcieli uzyskać pozwolenie od Kongresu czy nie".


Mimo wielokrotnych starań, aby Panetta przyznał, że Kongres Stanów Zjednoczonych jest nadrzędną instytucją wobec NATO i ONZ, Panetta podtrzymał pogląd nadrzędności władzy organów międzynarodowych nad amerykańską władzą legislacyjną.


"Jestem bardzo zaskoczony myślą, że w jakiś sposób międzynarodowe zgromadzenie zapewnia podstawę prawną dla działania wojsk Stanów Zjednoczonych, które będą wykorzystane w walce," powiedział J. Session. "Nie wierzę, że to jest choćby w części prawidłowe. One nie dają żadnej podstawy prawnej. Jedyną w pełni prawną instytucją do rozlokowania sił wojskowych Stanów Zjednoczonych jest Kongres, Prezydent, prawo i Konstytucja".


W trosce o to by na nowo potwierdzić fakt, że "użycie ofensywnej siły militarnej przez prezydenta bez uprzedniej, jasnej autoryzacji przez Kongres stanowi przestępstwo stawiające w stan oskarżenia i wykroczenie zgodnie z artykułem II sekcja 4 Konstytucji," republikański senator Walter Jones wprowadził uchwałę przed Izbę Reprezentantów. 


Pełny tekst uchwały brzmi;

“Wyrażając poczucie Kongresu, wykorzystanie ofensywnej siły militarnej przez prezydenta bez uprzedniego upoważnienia jasnym aktem Kongresu stanowiłby przestępstwo stawiające w stan oskarżenia i wykroczenie na mocy artykułu II, rozdział 4 Konstytucji.”


[...] Zgodnie z tym postanowieniem uchwały, zarówno Panetta jak i Obama będą podlegać oskarżeniu o nadużywanie swojej władzy i naruszenie konstytucji, poprzez lekceważenie urzędu Kongresu i wprowadzanie obcego mocarstwa ponad jego jurysdykcję.

Kto kontroluje prezydenta USA: problematyka obecnego konfliktu pomiędzy Anglo-Amerykańskim Imperium a światem wschodu według organizacji Lyndona LaRouche.


Pomimo wysiłku Pentagonu twierdzącego, że słowa Panetty zostały błędnie zinterpretowane, administracja Obamy rutynowo powoływała się autorytet Narodów Zjednoczonych w stosunku do ubiegłorocznej inwazji na Libię, która została przeprowadzona bez zgody Kongresu.


W czerwcu ubiegłego roku, prezydent Obama wyraził arogancko wrogości wobec prawa kiedy oddalił potrzebę uzyskania upoważnienia Kongresu do zaciągania zobowiązań w imieniu Stanów Zjednoczonych do interwencji wojskowej w Libii, oddalając krytykę i zauważając: "Ja nawet nie muszę odnosić się do konstytucyjnych pytań."


Obama próbował usprawiedliwiać brak uzyskania poparcia Kongresu dla militarnego zaangażowania w konflikt, wysyłając pismo do przewodniczącego Izby Reprezentantów Johna Boehnera w którym powiedział, że atak wojskowy był "autoryzowany przez Radę Bezpieczeństwa Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych (ONZ)".


W tym śmiałym twierdzeniu potwierdza On wyższość autorytetu międzynarodowych sił nad władzą ustawodawczą. Panetta i Obama otwarcie deklarują, że nie reprezentują już narodu amerykańskiego, a zamiast tego wykonują rozkazy globalnej dyktatury, która przywłaszczyła sobie suwerenność Stanów Zjednoczonych.


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